"He does not want another man to touch you." Tahlia said softly before Vladamir could answer.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Vladamir, jealous and overprotective for no valid reason.

"Whatever." I went back to eating my food. I was no longer interested in this pointless conversation.

It was rare for me to have any plans, unfortunately my life had turned upside down ever since my accidental mating with Vladamir. I was a social butterfly when I was at uni, now I spent most of my time sat in bed watching Netflix or random videos on YouTube.

It was easy to slip into this mundane lifestyle, everyone was busy and I had nothing to do. Vladamir had let slip that the ludicrous job I was offered was from him, it wasn't even real. The money was but the job wasn't.

He did it so he could keep an eye on me when I went to 'work'. Vladamir was filthy rich, he obviously paid the company to offer me this pretend job but I wonder what I would have actually done once I got there.

Would all the staff have been aware that I wasn't a real employee? How would it all have worked?

I had to find an actual job or do something with my life. I couldn't spend my entire life hiding away in Vladamir's house.

Maybe I could become an influencer? Spend all day taking pictures of my food, clothes and travels and pretend I'm living my best life.

After breakfast, I texted my parents to let them know I would be coming over today.

I had to also inform Vladamir about my plan who responded by saying I needed a bodyguard with me. After a long conversation we both agreed on a compromise. I would go to my parent's house but one of his men would follow me there and wait outside until I was ready to return.

I spent the rest of the saying lounging around before getting ready to go to my parent's house.

Once I got to my parent's house, I let myself in using my key. From the outside I could see that the upstairs lights were on but not the downstairs lights.

"Mum? Dad? I'm home!" I yelled as I wiped my shoes on the welcome mat.

My statement was met with silence, causing me to frown a little. My parents should be home and expecting me. I had texted them to let them know the time I was coming.

"Mum? Dad?" I shouted, switching on the hallway light that was turned off.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I checked to see if they had sent me any messages to explain why they weren't home but there were no new messages from them.

An eerie feeling suddenly entered my body causing me to shiver slightly. Something was wrong, this wasn't right.

"Mum! Dad!" I entered the living room to find it empty, neither of them were there. The room looked as neat as it usually did.

Unlocking my phone, I began to call my mum's phone. My ears perked up when I heard my mum's ringtone in the distance.

So they were home!

"Mum?" Why wasn't she responding or answering her phone?

I followed the sound of her ringtone to the dark kitchen. Maybe they had popped out for something and she had left her phone by accident?

Switching on the lights, my eyes were temporarily blinded from the bright kitchen lights for a few seconds before adjusting quickly.

My phone slipped from my hand, dropping to the floor with a loud, deafening thud.

"Oh my god."


A/N: Two chapters in less than 12 hours, who am I?! I uploaded the first chapter after one of the many night feeds, I couldn't go back to sleep and thought I would upload a chapter now while I had time. 

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