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Seriously, just wat da fuk is dis?!

Currently I'm in coffin, a burning coffin, with no way out and some random dude tryna steal my Clothes. GREAT.

"Alright, I've come up with a pretty decent plan now." I proudly mutter to myself before mustering all the strength I have to throw myself against the lid. BOOM! IT'S OPEN.

"Fnyahhhhhh!! What?! They weren't supposed to be awake yet!" the same high-pitched voice from the beginning said, absolutely flabbergasted.

"... A raccoon-cat? And a talking one at that.." I say as I stand before the thing that would've nearly killed me.

"WHAT?! I'M NOT A CAT AND ALSO NOT A RACCOON! I'M GRIM! THE GREATEST MAGE IN TWISTED WONDERLAND!" the little raccoon-cat tries to intimidate me but it fails misarebly as I turn and walk away.

"So this is Night Raven College.... Fancy, but still much smaller than RAD." I comment as I I calmly make my way through the school with the raccoon-cat named Grim closely following behind me.

"OI HUMAN! STOP RIGHT NOW! LISTEN TO THE GREAT GRIM!!" he or it kept shouting, but I just ignored it.

"Oooh, a library~" I said absent-mindedly while walking into the quite large, old looking library probably filled to the brim with all sorts of knowledge about this world.

I curiously walked into a corner with many books and a desk, my beastly follower still shouting and cursing at me to look at it.

"Fwnyahahaha! Now I've got you cornered, human~!" it says triumphantly, but I just look at it boredly. "If you really were as dangerous as you say, then my pendant would have felt it and you would probably be dead by now. But you're so weak you're basically harmless against me~" the little beast tries to jump at me, but-

"Fnyaahhhhhh!! Wha-?!" there was suddenly a weird sort of rope or leash around the little monster's waist. My eyes widened as a tall, crow-like looking man stepped into view. Oof. *He looks so proud of himself I could smell his ego till here!* I thought to myself before he started talking.

"Consider it tough love.
Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you're one of this year's new students?
My, were you ever eager to make your debut.
And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules." the shitty looking guy said. *I hate him already...*

"Tch! As if I'd serve some lowly human!!" Grim the raccoon-cat said angrily. *And honestly, I wouldn't want such an annoying thing as my familiar either! Hmph!* I just thought as I huffed in annoyance.

"Yes, that is indeed something all untrained familiars say. But now, on to you. You must be one of the new students. Does the very notion of patience elude you? I've never had a student before with the audacity to break out of their own gate! And with an untrained familiar at that!!" he started lecturing me, talking as if I'm the lowliest of beings.

"Listen, that thing is not my familiar. It burned down the lid of my coffin for whatever reason. I got slightly lost on my way to the Mirror Chamber. And that thing is not my familiar!" I try to explain calmly and doing my best to make it clear that that thing is not my familiar!

But before any of that, there's one thing that's bugging me..." Would you mind telling me who you are?" the man just looked at me borishly.

"Hm? Have you not fully regained consciousness?
The time space teleportation must have meddled with your memories... Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my magnanimity is boundless." is this man kidding me?! His aditude is the worst!!

"This is Night Raven College. It is an institution for students all over the world who demonstrate a great talent for magic. This is by far one of the most prestigious academies of its kind in all of Twisted Wonderland. And I am Dire Crowley, the one in charge of serving as the headmage." the  annoying sicko explained further with his masked nose high up in the air. Ugh! How I hate this guy already! And he's the headmage?!

"Ah, here we are~ The Mirror Chamber!" the crow guy triumphantly announced before stopping abruptly.

"What is it now?" I asked at the sudden halt. "Please try to keep your familiar in check for the rest of your time in this school."... Aaaannnddddd he walked in-










Enjoy your food! ~

Hope you all like my little fantasies~

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