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(A/n: where do all these people come from?! We're already at over 100 reads! I thought I'd get like 40 or smth💀)

_-_-_-_-THE STORY-_-_-_-_-

By now, this damned crow was killing me! It's enough for him to just breathe the same air as me to piss me off!!!

Right before entering the Mirror Chamber, he mentioned that I should take better care of my familiar as if he was doing it specifically to annoy me! Hmph!

As we stood outside, I wondered what the this Crowley guy was waiting for... "Why are we still waiting?! Let the great Grim enter, peasant!" the still energetic and loud monster said as he tried to push forward.

"Not yet..." Crowley answered as he stretched his arm to block Grim while still intently listening to what was going on inside the chamber.

I also listened carefully. There were some things I could hear till here:

-"Everyone! It seems we're done with the dorm assignments and the ceremony? Alright, here in Heartslabyul I am the rules! Break the law, and it's off with your heads!!"

-"Well that ceremony was boring as ever... If you're in Savanaclaw, follow me."

-"First years! It's an honor for me to be the first to gratulate you on your arrival at Octavinelle! I hope to accompany through a fulfilling and successful college experience~"

-"Where is the headmaster? Why did he dissappear half way through the ceremony?!"

-"It's no surprise, considering his attitude and annoying personality"

-"Don't be so mean! What if he has a tummy ache and can't come?"

that's the moment when Crowley perked up and swung open the large double doors of the Mirror Chamber dramatically as he loudly declared "I most certainly did not!"

All eyes were now not just on the headmaster that had suddenly barged into the large room, but soon also on the little cat-like monster walking next to him on a magical leash and the mysterious hooded person behind him, which was none other than ME!

*sigh* "Stay calm,its alright, I've seen much more people stare at me than this. I'm *name, eighth ruler of the underworld, great sorceress, only decile and apprentice of the great immortal sorcerer Solomon, I've got this. Stay calm." like that, I kept mumbling to myself as I looked forward and stopped next to Crowley.

"Right! I had set out to look for this missing student that had failed to attend the ceremony. He's yet to be sorted into a dorm!" the bird man announced for everyone to hear before looking over at me. "Now go on! I don't have all day, after all. Go up to the mirror to get sorted into a dorm! I'll take care of this weasel of yours in the meantime!" he said impatiently and shooed me towards the large, ominous looking mirror that was floating in the middle of the room.

As soon as I stepped closer, the image of a floating mask appeared in the mirror in place of my reflection. *What peculiar things they have here in the 4th world...* I thought to myself before coming to a stop I front of the mirror.

I could feel everyone's gazes on me and my every move as the mask in the mirror started talking with a booming voice. "STATE THY NAME" it said loudly yet quiet enough for me to be the only one to hear it.

"My name is *name." I stated truthfully as I expectantly looked at the faint hint of my reflection inside the mirror.

"Hmmm... You are indeed a peculiar one." the mask said thoughtfully before bluntly continuing "You're the most powerful person in the world."

Silence. For about 3 seconds, there was absolute and utter silence in the Mirror Chamber.

Atleast before Crowley loudly exclaimed "WHAAT?! HOW?!?!" speaking the thoughts of everyone else I the room. I stayed quiet, hoping the mirror would explain. And to my great relief, the mask spoke up to clarify the confusion.

"This girl is the most powerful person in all of Twisted Wonderland. She's a human that is barely qualified for the title of being one. She wields the powers of light, darkness and all that is in between. She is not from this world." the mirror said, creating more questions than answers.

That's when a random student perked up" WAIT, SHE?!" and that was the final string. The entire hall was full of loud shouts, mysterious whispers and the talking of the students.

"SILENCE!!" * Crowley shouted and, to my surprise, everyone actually listened. They all watched curiously as the headmaster walked up to me "Take off your hood." he ordered with a shaky voice.

I gladly did so. And when I fully pulled down the hood, I revealed my feminine, delicate, gorgeous and breathtakingly beautiful features to them.








Suddenly, the mirror spoke up. "It seems I have to a conclusion. Your dorm will be..."

(A/n: comment in which dorm you wanna be in and the majority wins! I'll post again in 4 days to give yall time and then we'll see😋 you can just leave your comment here👍)


Enjoy your food! ~

Hope you all like my little fantasies~

The 4th World, Obey Me x Twisted Wonderland [F! Y/N] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant