Pleasure House

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It has been more than eight months since R16 had her first taste of what it meant to be intimate and has experienced pleasure far beyond her wildest dreams. But it has been six months since she had any physical contact, nor will she, for at least another three.

Her hand hovered over her bulging stomach. It has been growing steadily since she reached her second trimester and she couldn't bring herself to touch her own baby bump because it didn't feel like hers. It was a parasite, sucking her of all energy and has become the reason for her growing discomfort.

R16 looked out the window but the piercing glow of the sun forced her eyes closed. She pretended that the warmth was the tan skin of B73 on hers, but the yearning for the Beta grew so strong that she snapped her eyes open, forcing the memory of him out from her mind.

A collection of tears pooled in her eyes as she thought about the promises and plans they had made before her pregnancy was detected. There was no warning. When she missed her monthly bleed, a squadron of Omegas swarmed Rho Academy and escorted her to Matriarch Manor. She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to R18.

Cut off from the rest of the world, waiting was all she could do.

"See anything interesting?" Her roommate, a young Zeta of sixteen, piped up from her bed.

Rubbing the tears away before turning to look at Z10, she smiled, "The sun hurts my eyes..." Sistine came away from the window and walked over to her bed, a rosewood affair with cheerful yellow sheets. A contrasting departure from the steel bunk beds she was used to. Everything in the room was pretty and ornate. There was a large dresser for each of the girls, equipped with a large mirror and stocked with ribbons. They shared a closet that housed frilly robes made of white cotton and sturdy silver and lavender tracksuits for those that wanted to head outdoors.

"Do you want to take a walk instead?" Z10 asked, she was lazing on the bed with her eyes closed. There wasn't much to do in Matriarch Manor except putting their feet up or eating. There were activities that they could participate in, such as maternity yoga, arts and crafts, entertainment centers... but most of the girls lost interest after a month of so. Released from her daily training regime, R16 didn't quite know what to do with herself and had withdrawn into herself, biding her time.

When she first arrived, she couldn't find her appetite, which was considered normal, and they hooked her up to IVs to keep her body nourished and strong, but when she entered her fourth month and still refused to eat, it was Z10 who finally brought her out of her shell by enticing R16 with desserts. Z10 had insisted by holding a spoon up to Sistine's face until she took a bite. Considering it a success, Z10 began to talk at the despondent R16, day after day, until she finally started opening up. That was the start of their to-be-short-lived friendship. Z10 was near her due date and would be replaced soon enough.

"There's nothing to do, otherwise. Won't you keep me company?" Z10 sat up, hoping her zeal would rub off on the older girl.

"No, I think I'll take a nap," Sistine answered, making herself comfortable and closing her eyes. Sleep was one thing that made everything bearable. The pregnancy made her extremely tired, anyway.

When she finally woke up with a growling stomach, her roommate had left. Sistine checked the clock on the wall. It was early afternoon. Sistine stretched her arms towards the ceiling and put on her slippers.

The dining hall was oddly empty, usually there would be at least two or three other pregnant ladies in her, taking tea and gossiping. But Sistine welcomed the silence. She walked up to the Theta manning the kitchen and asked for a bowl of macaroni and cheese, filled with mayonnaise and bacon. One great thing about being in Matriarch Manor is that you could make all kinds of requests and the Thethas would fulfill them. There was once, Sistine had an inexplicable need for chocolate covered pickles and they actually pulled through, serving her tangy desserts. The best part was how accepting everyone was of each other's cravings. She watched a girl polish off a platter of fish eyes the other day, and nobody even blinked an eye.

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