
In the days that followed, Minji couldn't stop thinking about the revelation of her mysterious mate. The thought of them kept popping up in her mind during her daily routine and even in her dreams. It was like something straight out of a fantasy novel, and she couldn't believe it was happening to her.

As she tried to navigate her new reality, Minji decided to spill the beans to her friends, who were always there to lend an ear and crack jokes. Hanni, Danielle, Hyein, and Yunjin gathered around her, sitting in a haphazard circle, and Minji spilled the details about the strange book and its revelations. They listened intently, their faces showing a mix of excitement and concern.

"Holy smokes, a mate? That's some next-level stuff!" Danielle exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement.

Hyein couldn't help but be protective, "Wait, is that safe? We don't want anything shady happening."

Minji shrugged, still wrapping her head around the whole thing, "I have no idea, but according to that book, it means we have some crazy, deep connection. Like, it's unreal, you know?"

Yunjin chimed in thoughtfully, "We should dig into this 'Shiv in the Night' thing and figure out what it all means. Knowledge is power, my friends."

Hanni gave her a playful nudge, "Hey, don't worry too much, Minji. Maybe this mate of yours is as awesome as you are."

Minji appreciated the support and camaraderie from her pals. They became her sounding board and partners in this wild adventure. Together, they decided to go on a quest for more information about the elusive "Shiv in the Night" and any other ancient legends that might shed light on Minji's extraordinary connection.

They hit up libraries, talked to experts in ancient lore, and even tried asking some supernatural beings for guidance (though that didn't go exactly as planned). Through their quirky investigations, Minji's understanding of her situation grew deeper.

In the midst of their detective work, Minji couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. The prospect of meeting her mate was both thrilling and scary. Would they be a perfect match, or would they end up driving each other crazy?


After saying her farewells to her friends, Minji stepped into her cozy dorm room. With a simple flick of her fingers, she extinguished the lights, feeling a surge of satisfaction at her newfound abilities. A smile adorned her face as she headed to the small bathroom to wash up before bed.

As she rinsed her face, she noticed the absence of Hanni, her roommate, who was probably out somewhere having fun. Minji sighed softly but didn't let it bother her. She went about her bedtime routine, getting ready for a good night's rest.

Slipping into bed, Minji felt a sense of calm and control that she had never experienced before. With a soft clap, the room was immersed in darkness. Adjusting her position on the bed, she settled in and closed her eyes.

Feeling a gentle tug on her blanket, Minji shifted, half-asleep, assuming it was her roommate, Hanni, trying to sneak in for some late-night mischief. "Go away, Hanni," she mumbled groggily. To her surprise, a soft and mischievous giggle echoed in the room. Minji's eyes shot open, instantly alert.

Sitting atop her bed was a girl with striking features – clear, porcelain skin, sharp eyes, and a cat-like demeanor. Minji's heart pounded in her chest, her curiosity and concern intertwining. "Who the hell are you?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with both surprise and wariness.

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