I laugh before asking "Is it worth it?" now genuinely concerned that she may be getting tired of it.

"I love it. You guys are so nice, I do what I love. Plus the money is fucking amazing. I never thought I'd be a millionaire at 19." She says with a sly smile on her face. I laugh once more before handing her back the file.

"Do you want to stop by for dinner today?" I ask.

"Are you going to be there?" She asks and my eyebrow's furrow. It's my house. Why wouldn't I be there?

"Well if course I am. I live there. I'm always there." I reply as if it had been a stupid question. But the expression on het face told me I was very wrong.

She even chuckled a bit before saying. "No you're not. You're always in your office working. If your mamma is there she usually goes late so I'll have dinner with her when I'm invited over. You're literally always working"

I groan. "Not you too."

"What? It's the truth! You rarely ever take a break. You even eat in your office Capo. It's probably not healthy but you're my boss and I can't tell you shit." I don't think I do that too much. But even if I do, I don't notice it. That's just what I'm used to by now.

I give her another look before exiting the building with the guard. My phone starts ringing and I answer it, not bothering to check who it is. "Where are you? We have a meeting right now." I hear Aless' voice as soon as I answer.

"The meeting can't start without me. I'll be right there." I had completely forgotten at this point so I get in my car and speed there. The meeting is with the Amato family, another business we collaborate with, going back generations.


The meeting is now over and we're all now enjoying a cigar while discussing the current state of our business with the DeMarco. They've caused a bit of trouble over the last few years and have been getting more reckless recently. Some rumors have started about them going rogue.

"They've been too reckless." Gianmarco says. "They almost caused full out war with the Serbian, if it weren't for Matteo, we would have been in a lot of trouble."

I nod. "Yes, the Serbian are no longer an issue and we are fine with them but only because I flew there and fixed everything. The DeMarco took it upon themselves to send a group of men to try to steal a shipment of over 30 million euros worth of equipment from them." I explained and all of their jaws dropped. 30 million is not a lot but a shipment like that with special equipment getting lost is a big problem on its own.

Gianmarco tapped his index finger on the table. "This ends now. Something needs to be done about them." He says. Everyone nods in agreement. And as always, business must go on. No time to take a break.

We discuss this issue of ours for a good hour before we decide to lower the DeMarco's responsibilities. They will be less involved, therefore less in the know of things and won't be able to mess anything up again.


It's been a few days and I've tried to take more breaks for myself. I've eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner either at the kitchen table or with mamma somewhere and not working during.

I just feel like I have to get every bit of work done the moment it hits my desk, even if it says it doesn't need to be done for another few months. Or even if I'm the literal boss and owner of this corporation and I can delay a bit, I get it done as soon as it's given to me. That's just the way it's always been but with that, I never have a moment even to myself because then there's always something new.

And I hate asking for help. What's the point if I can do it myself? And something I've especially learned from my father is if you want it done right you have to do it yourself.

He learned that from when something was miscommunicated and it ended up in a full battle between us and the Russian mafia, back when my father was just 20. Since then, we do not associate, do business, or contact them at all about anything.

Although we are ranked #1 in the world and they are ranked #15, they are our biggest enemy. Because 2-14 are all alliances of ours. The last thing they tried was when Aless and I were kidnapped and tortured. But they got their message when all of them turned up dead.

Right now, I'm just about done filling out some paperwork which took me hours to do. In this line of work, or any work, it's important to make sure everything on the contract, even the smallest of letters are read and making sure there are no loopholes or something that could negatively affect me or my business. Something that's also important is that not only does this keep my business safe and my family safe, but also every single person who works for me, or is associated with me. If I lose everything, they do too, and that will never happen.

I set my pen down and take my cup of tea before going out to my balcony. I've always had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep and I've found tea helps with falling asleep. I've still had trouble staying asleep and I've even had to take pills for it but I'll probably be fine.

I sit out on the balcony, overlooking my estate and I feel empty. I know I have everything, cars, money, a household name, properties, a family, but there's something missing. Something that needs to be there that just isn't. And I just can't help but feel selfish for feeling like this because I'm the guy that has everything and if I don't have it then I could just get it but this missing thing, it's something that just can't be bought. No matter how much money someone has. The real thing just can't be bought.

Everyone thinks I'm addicted to all of this. My money, the alcohol, the women, but I never understood the appeal. Work for what you want and if you don't have it then you're not working hard enough because there's always someone out there who just wishes he has the resources you do to get to where you want to go. My father always said that.

But now I'm working myself to death, I'm the most powerful man in the world, although it doesn't feel like it. I am one of the most wanted men in the world, not necessarily me, although more like the mafia don is wanted, but people do not know that I am him. I have everything and how could there still be something missing. I hate this feeling because I don't know what it is and I know I shouldn't feel this way but I just feel empty.

When I'm don't with my tea, I take it out of the room and one of the maids takes it from me. I head down to my home gym to relax myself a bit. Although after two hours of working out I can't seem to calm down.

I go back upstairs to my room and shower before heading to my shooting range. I shoot round after round after round but I'm still feeling a little weird. i shot most targets in the head and that would usually help me. So I move onto knife throwing.

I've been training since I was at least 12 years old so my aim over the years has gotten really good. I hit the target almost every time where I want it to and after that I realize it's 1 am already.

I head up to my room and get ready for bed. I lay in bed all alone still not being able to figure out what the goddamn feeling is. So I take two melatonin so my brain can shut the fuck up.


he's a little drama queen but i love it. jk he's not being dramatic he's just a little traumatized 😘

anyways stay swaggy. ily <3

~elle 🌸

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