Chapter Ten

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Some whining and a wet tongue in my ear later I woke up the next day. Slowly opening my aching eyes, I realized I was laying in my living room and Pedro was standing above me, looking down at me with pleading eyes.

I sighed and let my head fall back into its former place when I came face to face with Alex. She was still sleeping peacefully, her arms wrapped around my torso.

My face softened and I smiled lightly. She was really beautiful. I took some time to admire her lips and her cute little nose and then her new eyebrow piercing which gave her a bit of a bad boy look.

With a sigh and a lot of regrets I slowly got up. As much as I enjoyed being held by Alex, it didn't compare to the hatred I felt when I had to clean dog pee out of caprets. So I took Pedro for a quick walk and when I returned, Alex was still sleeping on the couch.

She was so adorable. I unleashed Pedro and before I even had the tiniest chance of stopping him he ran to our guest and jumped straight onto her.

Alex startled awake and was immediately greeted by a big tongue licking over her face.

"Good morning, cow." She mumbled in a raspy voice as she pushed the dog off of herself. She sounded hot when she just woke up I noted and smiled at her.

"I had hoped for something sweeter after our first night together, but I guess I take it." I laughed.

Alex quickly sat up and turned around to face me. "I wasn't talking to you, you're not a cow."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really. In fact, you're everything but a cow." She waved her hands towards Pedro who was now sitting on the ground and starring at her. "Other than your dog here."

"Insulting my dog, hm?" I teased and she raised an eyebrow.

"When you get woken up by his giant tongue tasting your face after being squished, I think you deserve that right, yeah."

"Ok, fair." I laughed and Alex smiled at me. Her hair was messy and wild and it looked adorable. "Do you want some breakfast?"

She fished her phone from the table and quickly looked at it. "I'd love to but unfortunately I have a meeting in half an hour with some potential investors." she explained as she got up. "Do you have a toothbrush for me?"

I showed her to the bathroom and gave her everything that she needed and sooner than I would have liked, she was out off my apartment again.

While I was thinking about everything that had happened last night I realized that I had miserably failed my one mission. I didn't get to know a lot about Alex but she a lot about me. I sighed. I guess there was always another time though.

how was your date?

I messaged Emma but I doubted she was even close to being awake yet. If the date went great, which I hoped for her, then I wouldn't get a response for even longer.

But after only a few minutes my phone beeped, signaling an incoming message.

sucked ass like shit. we're going out tonight, I need to pick up some guy

are we now?

yes. please.


ok, you ask Alex if she can get us into that club again

I gulped. Knowing what I now knew, I was sure that Alex could get us in. But that would mean I would have to reach out to her and that would seem pretty clingy after she just spent the night.

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