Chapter Nine

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Life with Pedro was new and exciting to say the least. He brought a kind of wild energy in to my life and forced me to do healthy things, like getting up on time -- or he would just pee on the carpet, I had already made that experience -- and going on walks and being active.

Honestly, I had never spent as much time outside as I did the last week and it felt good. I also started to teach him some more tricks than sit and lay since I loved working with him and he enjoyed the treats. So, it was a win-win situation.

Pedro had already learned that whenever Emma came around she would give him lots of treats so he waited by the door every evening, hoping to hear her footsteps coming up the stairs.

Yesterday I took him to meet Morgan after my shift at the bakery and she also loved him. I mean, who wouldn't? He was sweet and polite and intelligent.

Now, I was laying on my couch, drinking red wine while watching Love Actually, with a way too large dog on my lap. He definitely wasn't concerned with how big he was, at least after he had realized that Emma wouldn't drop by and decided to join me, his owner, for once. She was out on a blind date with a guy from Bumble tonight.

I slowly pet him with the hand that wasn't holding my red wine mug while he started dozing off. I smiled. I could get used to this.

That was until there was a knock at the door. Pedro jumped up and ran to it. Another good thing about him, he didn't bark that much.

With a sigh I paused the movie and got up. It was probably just a food delivery guy with the wrong door or something. Now with a big ass dog in my life I wasn't too concerned with possible burglars anymore. Although I wasn't too sure if Pedro would even defend me. But he would act as a scarecrow and scare every danger away.

"Pedro, sit." I told him and he listened like the good boy he was. "Stay." I added to it, hoping he would understand that as well. He usually was way too excited when someone was at the door.

My heart stumbled and then speed up when I opened the door a crack and pushed my head through the gap. Alex stood in front of it, two pizza boxes in her hands. She wore black cargo pants and a tight white shirt underneath a black and white checkered flannel. Her hair was cut shorter again. She looked good. But then again, when didn't she?

"Hey." A goofy smile was plastered on her face. "I was in the area and thought I'd drop by." Then she held up the pizza boxes. "And I btought food so that you had to let me in."

Biting my lower lip I shook my head in disbelief. "You are something..." I trailed off and threw a quick glance at Pedro. He was still sitting but I could see he was getting impatient to greet our guest. "Come on in then." I opened the door further and placed myself in between the dog and Alex. "You're not scared of dogs, are you?"

She chuckled. "Not at all. Why are you asking?"

I took the pizza boxes out of her hands and stepped to the side, allowing Pedro to get to Alex as she closed the door.

"Oh wow, that's new." She exclaimed as Pedro began sniffing her. Her eyes widened in excitement as she started petting the dog. "And who are you, you good boy?" She questioned in a baby voice and I had to smile at the whole encounter. This woman was so so sweet.

"That's Pedro, my new dog." I introduced.

"Helloooo, Pedro." Leaning down, Alex scratched behind his ears, which he loved, and he excitedly started licking her face. Alex just scrunched up her a nose adorably.

At this point the smile on my face could have been permanent.

"But you're not a dog, are you? You're a cow, aren't you?"

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