Chapter One

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Author's note: I really hope you enjoy reading about Riley and Alex's story and maybe fall in love with some of the characters for only a fraction of the amount I did when I developed and wrote them.
If any chapter lets you feel any emotion - be it happiness, sadness, anger or any, really - please consider to vote for it. Thanks! :)
And now enjoy!

It was really cold outside and I was freezing in my little black dress. Also, my feet were hurting from standing in this line for what felt like forever. I looked at the time on my phone.


Usually I would already be in bed at this time, maybe watching a movie with my girlfriend. But no, my friends had to drag me out of my relaxing evening routine to get frostbite in front of a club where it was even doubtful we would get in.

"Are you sure this club is worth it?" I asked Emma, who was standing next to me, comfortably wrapped up in a winter jacket. Presumably you could have that if you weren't to proud to pay the wardrobe fee at a club.

"Yes. It is so worth it." She looked up at me with her fake eyelashes and smiled.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to our other friends, Sam and Natalie, who were talking avidly about some actor's new movie. I wish I could have jumped in on their conversation but unfortunately I had not the slightest idea who they were talking about. Actors just... didn't interest me that much. Actresses much more, definitely.

"Riley, believe me. Everyone always gushes about this club, it is the place to be." Emma continued and leaned her weight onto me, even though I was the one wearing heels and not her.

"The place to be for me is at home in bed together with Mel."

Now it was Emma's turn to roll her eyes as she pushed herself off me a little. "You've become so boring since you started dating her. It's incredible."

It was true that I had become less adventurous and less spontaneous since getting involved with Mel, but that was a good thing. She grounded me, was my anchor in my then stormy life and showed me how to enjoy a quiet life. "Don't drag her into anything. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

With a scoff Emma turned her full attention to our other friends and chimed in to their conversation, dismissing me in the process.

I sighed and really started to wonder what I was doing here. Mel was right, I wouldn't enjoy it and my friends were happier off without me pulling down the mood. Was it too late for me to leave? Mel and I could still finish another episode of Grey's Anatomy if I went to her apartment now.

Suddenly, a person caught my eye. The woman was wearing a slick black suit with no shirt underneath, showing off the outline of her breasts and a tattoo on her sternum. Her short, dark brown hair was slicked back and the pair of sunglasses on her nose didn't make any sense, it was dark outside.

She caught my eye because she was just walking past the line, not caring about the people that have been waiting for two hours already. When she passed me I decided to find my voice and speak up.

"What do you think you're doing, skipping the line? We all have to wait."

She stopped in her tracks and turned around while taking of her sunglasses. Giving me a once over, she raised an eyebrow, made a 'tsk'-sound and then continued on walking, not a care in the world, as if she owned the club. Two men in suits and button-down shirts trailing behind her like loyal puppies.

I self-consciously looked down my body to see what she so harshly judged. I thought I looked good tonight, didn't I? Mel had told me I gained a bit of weight but was it that bad? Shaking my head, I shook away those thoughts and watched the woman walk up to the bouncer. He was a scary, big guy with a bald head and face tattoos. He nodded at whatever she was saying.

Those Damn Butterfliesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें