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*Sofia's pov*

I jus woke up.

I don't know where I am.

I can't feel 90% of my body.

My head wanted to explode.

I  don't  remember  anything.

I slowly opened my eyes. The lights hit my eyes. I heard various sounds around me. Some lights, some white lights.

Am I in heaven?

When my consciousness returned at least somewhat, I managed to look around. I think I know where I am. I think I'm in the hospital. How did I get here?

A nurse came through the door.
"Miss you awake? How are you feeling?" she asked me, checking my pulse. "Where am I? What happened?" I asked looking for answers.
"In the hospital. What is the last thing you remember? And most importantly, how do you feel?"
"I feel weak. It's like a truck ran over me. The last thing I remember..." I thought to myself. The last thing I remember?
"...I was in a club with my friends. I think I felt weak. I think I lost consciousness," I answered the nurse. "How did I get here?" I asked. My memories had holes in them. I feel desperate.
"Your boyfriend brought you here. He saved your life." she replied. "Boyfriend? I'm sorry but I don't have a boyfriend." I asked confused.
"Oh, I'm sorry. My mistake. I assumed the guy who brought you was your boyfriend. He was very worried about you. He wouldn't let anyone rest until he knew something about your condition. He stayed here all night. He said that he wants to be here when you wake up. He was sleeping on the bench in the waiting room. I think I should inform him that you are awake. If you agree." she replied.
"Yes please , thank you," I answered her, and she went to get the person who brought me here. I wonder who that is. No one came to my mind. I thought Maria or Mikky would bring me to the hospital. I wasn't expecting any male person.I was just hoping it was someone I knew.

A nurse entered the room. I turned to the door. I still couldn't stand up completely. I just turned my head. I couldn't believe who came in after the nurse.


What is he doing here?

It does not matter. I was just glad to see him.

"Hey how are you." he asked walking towards me. He was rubbing his hands through his hair. I can see that he was nervous and worried. He had black circles around his eyes. He must not have slept all night.
"Hey, nice to see you. Okay, now," I answered. He sat down next to me.

"So you're my hero." I laughed.
"I'm glad you're okay. You have no idea how scared we all were." he said, going to take my hand that was on the bed. For some reason he pulled his hand back. I took his hand and squeezed it hard.
"You have no idea how glad I am not to be alone." I whispered.
"I'm glad to be next to you." he whispered back.

For a moment we got lost in each other's eyes. His beautiful eyes. They meet mine. I want to look into his eyes forever.

"I should tell the others that you woke up." Pedri broke the connection with his eyes. He took out his cell phone.
"Did you need anything? I can tell them to get it for you," Pedri asked me. "Nothing special, maybe just some water." I answered.
"I'll be back in a second. I just have to call Maria." he headed for the exit.
I didn't want to watch him leave. I wanted him to stay. I didn't want to be alone. And he is a very dear friend of mine. I think we've become really good friends since the time we met. And the more I get to know him, the more I realize how good of a friend he is. His friendship really means a lot to me. I feel like he is always there for me.

He returned after a few minutes.
"They are on their way. They left a while ago. They wanted to come as soon as possible," he said.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"About nine."
"OK thanks."
"I have to ask you something." I turned to him.
"Ask." he replied.
"What happened at the club and I ended up in the hospital. I don't remember everything. Only some parts of that evening." I asked.
"I'll tell you when you get some rest. I promise. You need to rest now. For strength," he answered.
"Okay, but I want to know when I'm back to my old self."
"Of course."

Pedri and I talked a little more. He is great company. Real friend. I couldn't even ask for a better friend.

After a few minutes, Maria ran into the room. She immediately ran towards me and gave me a big hug.
"Caution, Sofia is still not completely in her old form." Pedri warned her. Honestly, neither of us looked back on him too much. The most important thing was that we were together now. I didn't want to let her out of my hands. From a hug. When Maria finally let me go, Mikky hugged me. I was so glad to see them both. That they are there. By me. After saying goodbye to the girls, Frenkie also hugged me. I honestly didn't even see him, I was too busy with the girls. But thank him for coming and bringing the girls. He's not a bad guy. Mikky found a good one.

"And how are you feeling?" Maria asked. "Much better. But I still feel weak." I answered.
"You'll get better soon, I'm sure." Mikky lifted my spirits.
"Hopefully by tomorrow." I raised my shoulders.
"Of course you'll be better by tomorrow. Who else is going to yell at me in the middle of a game? I really don't know how you could do without it." Frenkie joked. We all started laughing.

The girls and I kept talking and had a great time. I have a lot of energy back.

*Pedri's pov*

Frenkie and I left the room. Sofia didn't even notice. Maria and Mikky caught her attention.

That was the plan.

"I have to go now." I said to Frenkie.
"I know take care." he replied.
"I will. Sofia doesn't know what happened last night. She probably had a memory lapse. What I told you about her having some substance mixed with alcohol in her blood. That's probably what that bastard put in her drink. Maybe it would be good if Maria and Mikky tell her everything that happened."
"Okay, dude. Good luck at the station. I'll keep everything under control here." "Thanks. Take care of the girls."
"You know I will."

I said goodbye to Frenkie and headed for the exit from the hospital.

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