A Once In A Lifetime Experience!

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"Today, we are going to have Pokémon battles."

Everyone looked to Mr. Tuff shockingly. It's been four months since school started but they never once let the first years battle. The only battles they had were the mock ones they kept outside of school gates.

"You'll be having one on one Pokémon battles. We will go to our stadium arena and have all the battle simultaneously."

The stadium was designed to hold Dynamax Pokémon so it was huge. The perfect place to hold ten matches at the same time.

Mr. Tuff took out a microphone so everyone could hear him clearly,"You are only allowed to use one Pokémon. I want you to put into play all that you have learnt so far as much as possible to take victory. This time I will allow you to pick your opponent."

Jennie turned as a tap immediately came to her shoulder. William smiled slyly,"Shall we?"

Jennie shrugged,"Sure."

After a while, everyone was paired up.

"Ok everyone! Several spectators will be watching from the cameras and drones. No cheating! Begin!"

William threw out his first Pokémon, Quilladin.

Chespin was William's starter Pokémon. And since she didn't know about it until now, it must have revolved recently.

Jennie considered her options. She felt it was unfair to use Brionne who had more experience plus the type disadvantage. Swablu was a good choice type wise but it actually had few moves that would be effective. That left Vulpix.

"Smart choice."

Jennie shrugged. She gestured to his Quilladin,"You can take the first move."

He smiled,"Gladly."

"Quilladin, Rollout!"

Quilladin curled itself into a ball and rolled towards Vulpix.


Vulpix dived into the ground and William could help but grit his teeth,"That's fast."

Quilladin stopped in its tracks, no longer sensing its target.

"Quilladin, don't panic! Use Wood Hammer on the ground!"

"Quick Attack!"

Winding up its arm that started to glow green, Quilladin slammed down on the ground. Only to miss as Vulpix flew out of the hole at the last second.


Flipping in the air, a stream of fire came out of Vulpix's maw and slammed into the grass type.

William frowned and watched as Quilladin got up and assured him it was okay.

"I thought you said you didn't like battling."

"I didn't say I wasn't good at it."

William shrugged. That was fair.

"Quilladin, use-"


All battles stopped right then and there.

Three rings of the alarm.

That meant an unknown Pokémon had made it into the compound.

"Everyone, lock all openings and gather up here!"

The students hurried to follow the teachers orders and Jennie was dragged by William to where the students were gathering before she could go to help.

"Let's stay with the others. We don't know if it's dangerous."

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