Sweetly Stalkerish Vibes!

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The first years were holding a fashion show. It was a little project given to them by Mrs. Fawn for Career Class.

The instructions were pretty clear. Find a way to represent both you and your Pokémon as workers in a career.

Jennie herself chose to represent here self as an actress and had worked on the outfit herself.

Many others had chosen various occupations like film director to painter to champion.

Serena was the one that surprised Jennie as she had chosen to represent a coordinator. The girl had timidly expressed her desire to become a coordinator when Jennie had asked why.

William was gonna be a chef. Or at least that was what he said. Jennie wasn't sure whether or not she could trust half the things that comes out of that twin's mouth sometimes. He could show up as anything after all.

"Jennie, I can't accept it."

Milan held the expensive fabric with fervor,"It's too expensive."

Jennie shook her head,"It's not much of a problem for me. And even if I took it back, it would go to waste as I have no use for it."

Milan sighed and accepted the gift,"How did you even know that I wanted this fabric anyway?"

"I heard you mumbling about it in the bathroom. You even mentioned that colors you needed."

"Ah, I ramble to much."

"You sounded frustrated that the cheaper ones were sold out so I got this one for you. Use it well."

Milan nodded firmly,"I will."
It was a Saturday.

At the time when they'd usually be training, Jennie said they were going for a picnic.

She felt that they had been spending way too many time indoors between school and home and wanted to get out of the house for a while.

That's how they found themselves in the forest.

Vulpix, at one point through the picnic ventures out into the trees, catching Jennie's warning not to go too far.

She went too far.

Vulpix found itself lost and no idea how to find her way out. Curiously she called for her trainer.

But instead of the answering call of Jennie, she heard a pitiful whimper from the bushes that she couldn't ignore.

Vulpix curiously looked for the source and found a fox. It was had black fur with the red tips on its hair and feet.

The most important thing was that it was injured and barely breathing.

Vulpix knew she had to help it and knew that Jennie would be able to help it. But she was lost.

She had no idea where to go and even if she did, she couldn't carry the Pokémon by herself.

Just when the fire type was considering the thought to light one of the trees on fire, Swablu flew over head.

Barking furiously to get her attention, Swablu looked down at her and her situation before flying off.

Now satisfied that her trainer was coming, Vulpix lied down with its eyes on the injured creature.

Help came a few minutes later, in the forms of her trainer and friends.

Jennie gasped as she saw the state the Pokémon was in. She startled when her Pokédex spoke up on its own.

"Zorua. The Tricky Fox Pokémon. A Dark Type. It has the ability to disguise itself as people and Pokémon and uses this to hide from foes and play tricks on others. Zorua are generally timid Pokémon and so they usually change forms to feel safe. If a talkative child is suddenly silent, it is most likely replace by a Zorua."

Jennie barely paid attention to the entry. She searched her bag for healing supplies and put herself to work.

At the end of it, Zorua was bandaged up neatly with all of it wounds clean. They took it back to where they originally were to give it some time to rest.

As the fox slept, Jennie watched over it while her Pokémon played. In about two hours, it woke up.

And immediately tried to run.

The wound didn't let it, barely managing to stand up with its wobbling legs.

Jennie raised her hands so Zorua could see where they are,"I'm not going to hurt you."

Jennie tried to get closer towards the fox and it tried to run away again, this time being successful. Jennie grabbed her bag and ran after it, her Pokémon not noticing.

The Zorua took to the trees, the one place Jennie couldn't follow and disguised itself as a Scatterbug. Once it was sure she was gone it came out of hiding.

The Zorua then went for a place to get some rest, unaware of the human trailing after it.
Jennie took out a Sitrus Berry and laid it by a tree. She had only a few left but they would help extremely in making sure Zorua recovered quickly.

She had been lingering around Zorua's hiding spot for a while now, leaving berries so Zorua would eat them and heal.

It was already able to run so it showed that it was working.

After a while Zorua started to leave the area and Jennie sneakingly followed it. She followed it far, all the way to a small prairie.

Zorua used its teeth and tore at the bandages, shaking them off. Then it started to run.

Jennie internally cried as she ran after it. Not even her choreo routines drained her this much!

This time they were surrounded by trees once again and Zorua took to them. Jennie thought it might have discovered her but instead the Zorua played with the branches, bouncing of trunks and leaping from branch to branch.

With every leap, there was a yip coming from the small fox and it made twirls midair.

Jennie was floored. It was like watching an acrobat.

When Zorua jumped in the air once again, that's when things started to go wrong.

An arm shot out and grabbed the Pokémon midair. The attacker came out of hiding, showing the arm to be attached to a retractable handle.

The girl with long red hair laughed while her partner while short purple hair simply smiled. A Meowth was at their feet, though, oddly, it was standing on two legs.

"Finally, we caught you! You've been running from us for days! Do you know how frustrating it was to-Hey!"

Jennie had snatched the handle out of the lady's hand and backed up. She let Zorua go and the Pokémon ran off.

"Hey you! What do you think you're doing letting our Zorua go like that?!"

Jennie didn't understand the nerve of the lady,"You don't deserve Pokémon if you're gonna be treating them like that!"

The pink haired lady gritted her teeth and took out a pokeball. A Pumpkaboo emerged.

"Pumpkaboo darling, use Bullet Seed!"

Jennie froze and the explosive seeds neared her. When she hadn't felt any pain, she opened her eyes.

Zorua was using Protect.

Jennie must've hit her head because then the Meowth spoke,"What are you doing here?!"

Zorua brought down the shield and used Swift.

In a scene that was strangely anticlimactic, the three were blasted into the air.


Jennie looked to the Zorua who stared right back. She stood to its level as it came closer. It was close to touch her hand when he suddenly looked right then ran the opposite way.


"Brionne!" "Vulpix!" "Swablu!"

The cries of her Pokémon sounded out and Jennie turned to catch them as they threw themselves on her.

"Hey guys!"
After Jennie packed up and started to leave the forest, she looked back at it almost worryingly,"I hope Zorua is alright now."

She didn't noticed the shadow trailing after her.

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