'Remember I asked a question here?' I reminded them. And there was silence, 'someone better answer me,' I said to them, feeling my patience wearing thin. Still silence.

'I'd like to think this is a conversation between the rest of you so I'll excuse myself to make love with my mate,' and with that, Conner blocked the channel and if I were in a better mood, I would've rolled my eyes at the subtle hint at the word mate from him.

'Where is she?' I growled.

'Who are we talking about again? There are so many people in the world today -' James started but I cut him off.

'I'm not in the mood for games! Where the fuck is she?' I mentally scolded him, clenching my fists.

'Chill out will you?' he said, 'your little rogue is in the basement.'

"What?!" I exclaimed out loud without meaning to. A new level of frustration found me and all I saw was red. Growling at the thought of someone putting my mate in -

No, not my mate. The rogue we were currently questioning.

I couldn't, not even for a second, consider the thought of that woman as my mate. She could be the downfall of the pack and I would not let that happen. Taking a minute to regain my composure, I strung out a sigh and ran my hand through my hair before I responded to James.

'What do you mean she's in the basement? Who the hell put her in there after I specifically gave the order to bring her to -' I ranted in the mind-link but Logan stopped me.

'Alpha, we didn't put her in there. She -' he said but I cut him off.

'She what?! She just walked around and said 'Oh let me just walk myself down to the basement just to see what it looks like.' I gave you and Jonah direct orders to take her to my office for further questioning. What words got lost in translation?' I asked angrily as I stormed out of the room.

'Would you let us explain?!' James shouted and I growled at him in a warning but he ignored it and continued, 'The rogue and Natalia got into a got argument over one stupid insult then Natalia did what she does best - overreact. She got Jonah and Logan to take her downstairs and she's been down there for about 3 hours now. If you want someone to blame, go blame her,' James huffed then blocked us out.

The explanation made me stop in the middle of the hallway and my mind went to Natalia. What the hell was she thinking defying an Alpha order? My wolf growled at the thought of her defiance, especially towards... the rogue.

'I don't care what the situation was! When I give an order, I expect it to be followed through - is that clear?' I growled at Logan and Jonah, 'Natalia will be getting an earful from me when I'm finished bringing the rogue to my office as I requested. Both of you are on border patrol for the next month. Maybe then you'll come to your fucking senses and listen to the Alpha of this pack.'

'Yes Alpha,' then both groaned and I shut them out. With my fists clenched, I marched out of the room and made my move toward the basement. There should be no reason for Natalia to interfere with an Alpha order.

She had no right, my wolf growled at the thought, She doesn't respect us! my wolf continued.

Being an Alpha meant that your senses and emotions were on overdrive, so the rage I felt coursing through me for Natalia was indescribable. That's the same reason why I had to see her to find out what the hell was going through her mind. My wolf was already on edge at the mere thought of our mate being trapped in the basement cells, then now to add Natalia's defiance to the mix.

'And I'm pissed off at you! How dare you walk away from our mate?!' he added.

Descending down the stairs, I listened keenly for any sign of Natalia being in the house. As soon as I came past the kitchen, I heard laughter bouncing off the walls in the living room. Along with Natalia, two she-wolves sat with her on the couch watching the TV and eating popcorn.

"Hey baby," she greeted me almost immediately and a growl erupted from my chest as I entered the room. At that, I could see the hint of fear that colored their eyes.

"Haden what's wrong?" she asked.

"Ladies, leave," I snapped making them scurry out of the room and the sound of my Alpha command. Once they left, I turned my glare to Natalia as I said, "What the hell gives you the right to override my direct command?"

"What are you talking about?" she questioned, "I didn't -"

"Oh, you did!" I shouted, "I gave the men explicit orders to take the rogue to my office for further questioning, yet she's currently in the basement doing God knows what."

She looked taken aback by my behavior but I didn't care.

"Okay, I will apologize for overstepping your order," she started as she stood, "but I will not apologize for passing a punishment that fits the crime. She's a rogue! She came into this house ready to be rude and ruthless, and that kind of behavior doesn't stand with me."

"I know she's a fucking rogue Natalia! And she's that last one from the last attack - someone that could be connected with the Rogue King and you know we need every piece of information we can get our hands on. You are not the Alpha of this pack! I am," I exclaimed. She didn't say anything for a while but her eyes wouldn't leave mine, and it was something my wolf didn't like. He felt the challenge in the air and I growled at her in warning causing her to look away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad... it's just the things she said to me; they got to me. I'm sorry," she apologized and when I saw her eyes beginning to water, I lost my resolve.

A sigh left my lips and my shoulders sagged as I stated sternly, "You know I don't like when people disrespect me, Natalia."

She nodded.

"That wasn't my intention at all, baby. I apologize," she said looking up at me and hesitantly moving closer.

"It's..." I trailed off for a minute then wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead, "It's fine, just don't -"

"Haden! Haden!" Conner entered the room with a shout, "You need to get down to the basement now!"



Hey everyone!

How are we enjoying the book so far?

Do you think Haden was spot on with his reaction or do you think he overreacted a bit? And things are about get really interesting in the next chapter ;)

Stay tuned!

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