"It's fine... You didn't mean to say it, I understand." She says, "I will just continue getting ready and get this over with."

I felt so guilty, it's clear that what I said hurt Kristina... I need to go ask for help again.

Kristina's POV:

I hold back my tears as I go into the bathroom, staring at my ugly reflection in the mirror. My eyes were going red and glossy. They shone softly as the sun-rays from outside reflected off my eyes. I sobbed quietly as I look out of the window. God how much I wished my mom could comfort me right now. I try remembering Gustav's words but they slowly fade from my mind by the days. I was in the situation of being in a vortex of all my thoughts, they crushed me. I wipe off my day 2 mascara carefully from my eyes before reapplying mascara back onto my lashes along with some waterproof eyeliner on my waterline. I gather myself. Kristina you should be grateful you are even here. Now go out there and have a good time.

I sigh before walking out the bathroom and seeing Daria wait at the door for me. I walk over, ready to leave. We open the door to see the band waiting for us outside.

"Jeez, you guys are some slowpokes." Tom jokes.

"We ready to go?" Bill says excited, Georg smiling after.

I peep behind the guys, "Hey, where Gustav?..." I ask.

"Oh he's sleeping, he doesn't like coming out anyway." Bill replies, starting to walk slowly towards the elevator, Daria and the other band members following on.

I sigh, "Alright then." I say, following behind.

I was kind of sad that Gustav wasn't coming as-well, he's very sweet... But I guess I will just have some time to talk to the other band members.

We get to the bottom floor and we walk over to the entrance of the hotel, to exit.

"Where are we gonna go?" Daria asks as she turns to look at the band.

"I don't really know... Tom?" Bill replies, looking at Tom.

Tom smiles, "Well! I know an abandoned building close to this hotel, we can go explore it!"

"Isn't that illega-" I say before getting cut off.

"Not if you don't get caught!" Georg smirks as him and Tom start laughing and fist-bumping each-over.

"Oh... But what if its dar-" Bill questions, worryingly.

Tom pulls out a pocket flashlight and shines it into Bill's direction, snickering, "What? Is Bill scared of the dark?~ Scared of getting caught?~"

Bill goes red, "Hey!... Stop it Tom..." He crosses his arms before rolling his eyes.

"Sassy much." Tom teases.

We all laugh, walking a long path. 15 minutes passed and my legs were already dead. I never really did any sort of exercise. The only exercise I got recently was sprinting for my life not to miss my flight. But other than that, I hadn't done any sort of physical activity in years. Yet I am somehow still relatively skinny, I guess skipping meals really paid off.

We ended up coming up to a hidden road. Tom smirks and we follow on behind him before finally getting up to a large house. It seemed like it was burnt down centuries ago but Georg and Tom were definitely keen to go into it. I could see Bill and Daria stand there, pale. Bill was slightly shaking and Daria looked nauseous. What scaredy-cats... I walk behind Tom and Georg.

Suffering, Silenced ~[A Tokio Hotel Story]~Where stories live. Discover now