I | cheese puff corns

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  ノㅤㅤׂㅤ I       .     Cheese Puff Corns ㅤׅㅤㅤ🐇♡ㅤ

"I for real can't believe you did that," Eun along with her friend walks into the super Market, "what can I say I'm charming and irresponsible, :)" Eun paused

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"I for real can't believe you did that," Eun along with her friend walks into the super Market, "what can I say I'm charming and irresponsible, :)" Eun paused. "Irresistible, I meant irresistible." She added.
"Sure." Said Amara, who absently yawned at Eun's response.

"Get your freaking chips and let's leave, I've got school tomorrow." Says Amara, just as Eun was about to pass another stupid reply, her eyes droped on a short figure behind the counter. Did she know him? She did. He was the usual part timer who she had met 'briefly', and a couple of times around here at the same time.

"I told you not to show your face again," Eun's head turned towards the commotion. In the name of a fight, her friend dragged her through the crowd and to a position with a good view of the scene. Amara, her friend wished for popcorns.

Eun frowned as she saw a tall guy hovering over a tiny guy. That did not seem very pretty for the little guy considering the fact that the tall guy looked a bit scary. She saw his fist coming from a mile away and stepped in. It wasn't exactly her place to step in but her mom taught her to protect the weak. Nevermind, her mom died when she was 7, she just liked the thrill of a fight.

The guys scowled, suprised. That's when she noticed a girl behind the tall guy, as she somehow dragged him away from the commotion.

The little guy turned to her, shivering a little.
"Thank you," he sniffed. "It's fine little gu—, hey what's your name?" She questioned. "Daniel, Daniel park." She paused for a whole minute, "wait, your name's Daniel Daniel park? Isn't that kinda weird though like no offence." Daniel pondered over his life choices only to discover that his life has no meaning. Just kidding, he frowned at her response and well the sorta serious expression in her face. He couldn't really tell if she was kidding or if she was for real.

"No, it's just Daniel park :)"
"Ah, :0" she replied, I'd ask to get some drinks but I'm here with a friend. Guess I'll see you around little gu— Daniel Daniel park!"

The little guy smiled as she walked away, guess he had made a friend now :)

"Hey!" She screamed on top of her lungs. "How ya doing Daniel Daniel park?" She asked, getting a pack of chips from the rack beside the counter. "I'm doing great, :D" he replied, attempting to match her energy, failing terribly. "Also, you can just call me Daniel.." he said in a low whisper, unable for Eun to hear through all her sunshine at midnight under the fluorescent lights of the supermarket.

Just as she was about to pay, a bunch of thug like guys pushed past her, she could swore she heard one of them whisper, fucking bitch. Eun brushed off her shoulders and tried not to pay any attention to them, as she just stood behind them, awaiting her turn to pay.
"Hey pig, pass a couple of ___ cigs." Daniel looked anxious and nervously asked them for their IDs.
"Hey fucker, do we look like fucking kids to you? Just pass the fucking cigarettes, we don't want trouble." One of them growled. Eun found it unsettling and saw the things unravel into a plausible outcome with Daniel Daniel park getting beaten up.

"I'm sorry but i really need some IDs, I can't get fired..." He muttered the last part.
The guy, most likely the leader, scowled about to hit him.
"Amara, hold my cheese puff corns."

"That's some really lovely language you speak there." She stepped in, aware of the fact that she shouldn't go around picking trouble, but guess she really couldn't help it. "Sir, just show him the freakin IDs, will you?" She passed him a weird smile. No, it wasn't the smile that was weird, it was like the air around her thickened, the atmosphere darkened and there seemed just something dangerous about her. (Guys it's probably her bad breadth.)

The guys suddenly turned around and walked out of the supermarket, muttering to themselves. It wasn't exactly muttering but Eun didn't exactly want to hear it. All she wanted to do was pay for her puff corns and go home.

"That'll be 700 won," he stuttered as Eun passed him a beaming smile with sunshine arising from behind her head..?

After that, Eun, along with her friend, Amara went home and had cheese puff corns. The went to bed right after. (They ended up scrolling webtoons and went to bed at 3 am :|)

 (They ended up scrolling webtoons and went to bed at 3 am :|)

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