Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

My baby girl pauses mid chew, the small pack of fruit snacks frozen in her hand as she watches the two strangers enter her house. After watching them for a moment, she returns to eating only slower.

After what seems like an eternity of them walking around in our space, they take their seats on the couch.

"I'm Joanne and this is Isiah. I know this visit seems random, but we like to pop up unannounced. It's all part of procedure. I hope you understand." She turns to me and raises a perfectly manicured right eyebrow.

"That's fine. I understand." In reality, I don't. I won't voice that to the only people that could potentially take my child from me.

I'm not a hundred percent sure how the LPA works with all it's ins and outs. However, if they deem me or any of the caregivers unfit, they could remove Ayla from our care. That's the last thing I want.

"I'm glad. What we're here to do is make sure the house is baby proofed, Ayla is mentally and physically okay, and to observe how she is with her new caregivers. Can you show us to her room?"

Nodding, I wave them forward down the hall. Ayla watches them from over my shoulder, silently judging the whole way. That's something she did when she was a kid. Although painfully shy, she never was afraid to judge people from a distance.

"This is her room." Throwing open the door, I let them enter my baby's sanctuary.

The bed is unmade with her bear right by her pillow. Besides that, everything is neat and in it's place. While Isiah goes around the room, scribbling on his clipboard, Joanne stands by Ayla and I.

It's awkward for a few moments until the older woman finally asks, "How are you doing today, sweetie?"

If she thinks she's getting an answer, she would be wrong. Ayla hardly talked to her caregivers today. I doubt she would talk to a random woman that's invading her space.

"It's okay. I understand you don't want to talk. While Isiah goes through your room, why don't we go to the living room and play with some of your toys. I saw you had some cool building blocks."

Joanna gives her a big, genuine smile. Despite the woman invading my house, I can tell she cares for my daughter. It's hard not to with her sweet features and seemingly cuddly demeanor.

Ayla shakes her head and sticks it in my neck. Joanne's face falls and she writes something on that clipboard again. I have a feeling whatever she just wrote wasn't good at all.

"She's a tad bit shy today." I explain.

"Owen, is that right?" She inquires.

Nodding, I adjust Ayla as she discreetly eats more of her snack right next to my ear.

"I have some questions for you. How about we head to some place more private. Ayla is more than welcome to come along."

"Sure. Let's go to the dining room." I guide the way and let her take the seat at the head of the table.

Joanne folds her hands together primly on the dark wood, her clipboard facing down next to her so I can't see what's written. "Now, I understand you and your wife are going through a separation right now. Can you tell me about that and the custody agreement you have with Iris?"

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