Hospital Visit.

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Nabi has never been a fussy baby in her three months on this Earth. She doesn't cry when she's hungry, or cry when her diaper needs to be changed. She'll let out little whines usually, but she never really screams or cries. Entirely unlike what she's been doing tonight. She's been crying inconsolably for the past two hours, and any time Felix gets her calm enough to sleep, she'll wake up minutes later screaming.

"I don't know what to do." Felix sobs as he cradles Nabi in his arms. He'd wrapped her up in her swaddle and has been trying to console her but nothing works. He tried to feed her but she wouldn't even take the nipple. Seeing her so upset has him crying, not only from the stress but the feeling of helplessness too.

"I don't know, but try to stay calm, love. You getting upset is only going to make her more upset." Hyunjin tries his best to comfort the crying omega. Felix wants to feel bad that Nabi is keeping his boyfriend up, just like she is Felix, but his concern for his pup overrides any other concerns right now. The omega just wants his baby to be okay.

"I need to call my mom. I don't know what to do." The omega sniffles as he searches for his phone, never mind the fact that it's two in the morning.

"Wait, it's really late. She probably isn't up right now, Yongbok." Hyunjin is the more rational of the two right now, but this just irritates Felix.

"What else am I supposed to do? She won't stop crying and I've tried everything. She won't eat, she won't sleep, and I'm so tired. I really don't know what to do." Felix becomes hysterical at this point, crying in tandem with his daughter. His hands are clutching her blanket as he still tries to comfort her despite his breakdown. He's so exhausted and worried.

"Okay, I understand. Maybe you should call your mom. I'll take Nabi." The beta nods as he rubs the omega's back. Felix nods tearfully, sniffling as he hands off the screaming pup to his boyfriend. Hyunjin tries comforting her too. Shushing her and rocking her, but she just continues to cry. Her face is bright pink and wet with tears, her voice going raspy from the hours of crying. The beta is concerned too, and scared that something is wrong with her. He's never seen her so inconsolable.

Felix calls his mom three times before she finally picks up. Sydney is an hour ahead of Seoul, so it's three in the morning where she's at, but she still answers. "Eomma," Felix calls pitifully, his baby screaming in the background.

"Yongbok? Is that Nabi-ya? What's wrong?" She immediately sounds concerned.

"She won't stop crying. She's been crying for the past two hours and she won't sleep or eat, or anything! I don't know what to do!" Felix cries as he glances at his daughter in Hyunjin's arms.

"First, you need to get yourself together. Her seeing you crying and upset will make her more upset. You need to stay calm." She tells him and he nods as if she can see him. He's trying to pull himself together when she asks, "Is she hot to the touch? Touch her forehead." She explains and he immediately reaches over to press the back of his palm to his daughter's head.

"She's warm. Do you think she has a fever?" The omega asks as he starts to panic now. Hyunjin is looking at him with concern written across his face, but Felix doesn't explain.

"I think so, if she's warm. You should take her to the doctor if you think she has a fever. She may be sick and that's why she can't stop crying." His mother says and Felix is immediately getting off of the couch.

"Eomma, I have to call Changbin-hyung. I'll call you back." The brunette quickly ends the call with his mom and is dialing up Nabi's other dad. As he's doing this, he's running around and gathering the things he'll need when they get to the hospital.

"Felix, what's going on?" Hyunjin asks the omega as he sees him scurrying around on a mission but with no explanation.

"We're taking her to the hospital. Something's wrong." Felix replies as he tosses Nabi's diaper bag over his shoulder and calls Changbin again. The alpha hadn't answered the first time, probably asleep but he answers this time.

"Hello?" The alpha answers groggily.

"Hyung, I need you to take Nabi and I to the hospital. Something's wrong." The omega says and he hears Changbin shuffle around in bed.

"What's wrong? Is Nabi okay?" Changbin questions urgently and Felix frowns with a sigh.

"I don't know. She won't stop crying." The omega answers impatiently. Once again, he's glancing at his baby and giving her a once over. Hyunjin is looking at him with a panicked expression, but continues to rock Nabi calmly.

"Okay. I'm on the way." Changbin says shortly before he's hanging up.

It doesn't take the alpha long to get to Felix and Hyunjin's apartment, probably because he was speeding. When he texts the omega to tell him he's outside, Felix grabs Nabi who was already buckled into her carseat, and starts to head out. That is until he notices that Hyunjin is still staying behind.

"Hyunjin, come on. He's outside." Felix tells the beta, who looks at him in confusion. "Are you not coming?" He asks when he sees the way the older is looking at him.

"I-I didn't- I thought-" Hyunjin starts to stutter and Felix doesn't have the patience to explain everything to him right now. The omega just knows that he would like his boyfriend with him for comfort and that Hyunjin needs to bring his ass.

"Come on." Felix says and Hyunjin quickly nods. The beta grabs his phone and wallet, and is following Felix out of the house.

When they get to the hospital, Felix goes to registration with Changbin carrying their crying pup and Hyunjin beside him. He checks her in and she's seen shortly after by a nurse, who takes her vitals. She has a low-grade fever of 102 Fahrenheit, and because she's acting abnormally, they get her seen by a doctor immediately.

Luckily, the doctor tells them that it's just an ear infection once he's finished his exam. He explains that a baby of Nabi's age doesn't have a strong immune system yet, so it's easy for her to get infections like these. The doctor prescribes Nabi antibiotics and suggests giving her baby Tylenol to help with her fever and pain. Felix is relieved, but also a bit embarrassed. He'd had an entire meltdown over an ear infection.

"I'm sorry, hyung." Felix apologizes with a sigh as he leans into Hyunjin's side for comfort. They're standing outside of their apartment building with Felix holding Nabi's carrier. The beta wraps his arms around the omega's shoulders, rubbing his arms comfortingly.

"Why are you apologizing, Lix? She's my daughter." Changbin shakes his head with a sigh. The alpha noticeably avoids looking at the beta that Felix is cuddling up to.

"No, I know. I just feel like I made the whole situation worse because I couldn't calm down, and I woke you up at two in the morning." Felix explains. He glances at Nabi, who had finally calmed down after being given baby Tylenol and fallen asleep. Seeing her sleep so soundly after the night they've had, it makes relieve wash over Felix. He feels like he can breath again.

"If you think I wouldn't do the exact same thing, then you thought wrong." The alpha laughs with his gaze on their sleeping daughter. Felix smiles softly as he feels comforted by Changbin's words.

This is literally the last chapter before the epilogue. The story is pretty much over :(( I'm so sad, but I have a little surprise for those who enjoyed this story!

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora