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Felix's plan of waiting for Changbin to get home to tell him the news hadn't worked. The alpha never came home, which wasn't exactly something new but it definitely gave Felix time to think of the worse case scenarios. He thought about how Changbin's parents are well off, what if they paid someone to make him disappear? The alpha's parents loved Felix but that was when they were together. They've only been broken up for a few weeks so neither of their parents know that they aren't together anymore. They would have to tell them eventually, especially if they're telling them that they are expecting a baby.

Or maybe they'll get back together? Apart of Felix keeps hoping that will be the outcome. That's how he imagined things going for himself anyways- the right way. He imagined himself graduating university and getting a stable job. Then, he and Changbin would get mated, and travel the world together before they settled down and started having kids. Right now, Felix has none of that, not even Changbin.

The thought that Changbin may leave him on his own in this, makes Felix's eyes well up with tears and a whimper escapes his lips. He's so scared and unsure. He can't help the sob that breaks free from him as he's curled up in the bed he once shared with Changbin, now the alpha sleeps in the guest room. Things are so different now and he doesn't like it. Not one bit.

After he realizes Changbin won't be coming home tonight and he's all alone, he starts to crave the comfort of a nest. He doesn't nest often, only when he's particularly distressed or in heat. Today, he's very distressed. He hiccups back tears as he goes around his room picking up soft pieces of clothing or blankets and tossing them onto his bed for his nest. His vision is blurry as he just can't seem to stop crying while he organizes the fabrics so that they weave together in a way that calms him down.

He doesn't feel like he'll be able to calm down until his nest is complete, so he works diligently. Changbin and his clothings, a hoodie he stole from Jisung, blankets from the couch, Changbin's pillow from the guest room, all until his heart stops aching and he can finally lie down in the nest. His breathing slows and his mind goes blank as he's engulfed in comforting scents. He's still crying but only a little, and it's not because he's sad. He's just overwhelmed, and he reminds himself- his baby is not a bad thing. His baby is blessing.

Felix wakes up to a knock on the door. He doesn't know how long he slept but he sees that the sun is up. There's another knock and felix groggily tells them to come in. He rummages around his nest for his phone to check the time to see how long he's been asleep.

The door opens as he locates it tucked underneath his pillow and Changbin walks in. "Sorry, I need to get some clothes" he excuses himself politely as he steps into the room. His clothes are still tucked away in their closet because he's been too busy to move them into the guest room. It's 6 in the morning so Changbin must be coming in to get clothes for work, but when Felix went to sleep he hadn't been home.

Suddenly, Felix feels insecure. Changbin can see his nest in all its dysfunctional glory. He hadn't made sure it was presentable for an alpha to see. He has to remind himself it's normal for an omega to be uncomfortable with others seeing their nest, it's a very personal and vulnerable thing.

Then, Changbin seems to either notice the nest, or maybe the distressed souring of Felix's scent because he suddenly pauses. "Um, are you feeling okay?" He's awkward when he asks this. Everything is awkward nowadays between them. It's only been three weeks, Felix doesn't know what he should expect.

For some reason, being asked if he's okay makes Felix suddenly not feel so okay. His eyes well up with tears and his lips quiver, Changbin is alarmed. "W-what? Why?"

"Hyung," Felix's voice is so weak as he says this and he's so embarrassed. Why is he embarrassed? "I have to... to tell you something" Felix sits up in his nest, curling his knees to his chest and avoiding looking at Changbin.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now