Jisung's Dismissal.

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The halfway point of Felix's pregnancy approaches quicker than Felix could've ever expected. The past four months had flown by and he'd grown in more ways than one. Not only has the measurement of his previously thin waist increased but his knowledge has too, or atleast he thinks it has.

Felix has always been the type of person to put others before himself. He's a bit altruistic in that way but it feels like, for the second time in his life- the first being when he decided to move to South Korea on his own, he was doing something for himself.

Despite this feeling, he can't help but overthink and wonder if he's really staying in Korea for himself. If Changbin wasn't here and he wasn't pregnant, would he continue to live here? Part of him had all but decided to give up and go back home when he and the alpha ended it, but he still has hope that they can work things out. It's a naive hope, but it's hope.

All Felix knows for sure is that he's living for himself and one other person now- his pup. They have quickly become the most precious thing in his life and he feels protective and close to them, and he hasn't even met them.

His hand thoughtfully rubs his belly as he snacks on leftover spaghetti he'd ordered earlier today. He's deep in thought when he feels it, the pulsing feeling in his belly. It feels a bit like he's full of gas, but low in his belly. The feeling makes him pause and then there it is again.

Felix gasps when he realizes he may have just felt his pup's first movements. He isn't sure but he can't stop himself when he starts to cry. Abandoning his spaghetti, he gets up and hurries to Hyunjin's room. The beta is most likely asleep, it is one in the morning but that doesn't stop the omega from knocking on his door.

"Yes? What's wrong?" The beta immediately asks when he opens his bedroom door to a blonde omega with tears in eyes. Hyunjin's long hair is flat on one side of his head and his face is swollen but his eyes are alert. "Are you crying?" He panics and starts to pull Felix into a hug.

"I felt the pup move, I think" Felix tells him with a watery smile as the beta wraps him up in a hug. He feels the quickening again and cries harder.

"What?!" Hyunjin pulls away from him, holding his shoulders in place before he looks down at Felix's bump. "Is it okay if I...?" He questions and Felix nods easily.

"You won't feel it. It was like little pulses and they keep doing it!" Felix explains as Hyunjin pulls away to rest his hand on the omega's belly anyways. The beta leaves it there for a moment, but he can't feel the wonderful feeling. "They're really in there, Jinnie." The omega cries softly and the beta smiles, he wraps his arms around Felix.

"I'm so happy you got to feel that, Felix-ah" the beta smiles as he pulls away from their hug.

"Sung~ My Sungie~" Felix sing songs as the other omega comes into his and Hyunjin's apartment. He's happy to see him, it's been a month. It doesn't seem like a lot of time at a glance, but Felix used to see Jisung twice a week atleast. Ever since he started his internship at a music company here in Seoul, he doesn't have much free time anymore for Felix. Today is one of those rare days when Jisung is doing nothing.

"My Lixie~" Jisung returns with the same sing song tone. His heart shaped smile is contagious and Felix can't help but to wrap his arms around the dark haired omega and give him a cuddle.

"Oh! Do you want to see the apartment? I know I sent you pictures but it's better in person" Felix offers and grabs Jisung's hand to show him around.

"Isn't it just an apartment?" Jisung furrows his eyebrows but lets the blonde omega pull him along.

"Let me show you the kitchen. It's my favorite part of the whole house. Jinnie likes the natural lighting, which is nice, but the kitchen has marbled flooring!" The blonde exclaims as he shows Jisung the inside of their kitchen. "Look at all the counter space~" Felix dances with excitement and Jisung laughs.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now