Movie Night.

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After Felix and Changbin kissed, the omega's hope in their relationship repairing itself doubled. He kept telling himself that if he stayed patient that Changbin would come around- and he did. Sure, they weren't back together yet, but they were making progress. So much progress that Felix has spent the night at Changbin's place almost more than half this week. It's a bit inconvenient to get to class on time, but it's worth it to be close to the alpha. Felix loves being around Changbin even when they aren't doing anything.

"Did you know babies can taste really strong flavors in the womb?" Changbin asks suddenly after he and Felix had been sitting in silence. Changbin was scrolling on his phone and Felix was playing on his switch, so the question really came out of the blue.

"Oh really?" Felix hums, not taking his eyes off of his handheld game.

"Yeah, it's one of the daily fun facts on my little app" the alpha explains and this piques the younger's interest.

"You have an app? Like a pregnancy app?" The omega asks with a humored tone as he glances at the older.

"It's not weird. I just like to keep track of your pregnancy" Changbin pouts and Felix smiles at him, endlessly endeared.

"You're right, it's not weird. I just wasn't expecting it. How far along does it say I am?" The younger asks.

"Twenty-two weeks and a day." Changbin responds after checking his phone.

"Wow, you have it down to the day and everything! Good job, hyung" Felix smiles making Changbin give him a funny look.

"Is the bar really that low?" He asks as Felix giggles. "Chan-hyung is trying to organize a movie night by the way and he asked if you would come." He changes the subject.

"Oh. I don't know if I can make it." Felix immediately declines because he knows Jisung will probably be there. He's still not on good terms with his best friend and he thinks it would be awkward to just show up.

"You don't even know when it is" Changbin calls him out before sighing, "You and Sung need to make up. I don't know exactly what happened but it's childish to continue not talking to each other over something petty." The older lectures and Felix sighs.

"How do you know it's petty? What did he tell you?" The blonde asks, curious as to what Jisung said about him. "Actually, I don't want to know. It doesn't matter." He decides against it with a shake of his head when he thinks of his feelings being hurt because of his own curiosity .

"He didn't say anything. I just know you two aren't talking from what you told me, and I think you two should make up." Changbin replies and Felix pouts as he contemplates.

He honestly wasn't angry at Jisung anymore. He's not very good at holding grudges, and he knows Jisung isn't either. Jisung just gets hurt easily and doesn't know how to express his feelings in a good way sometimes. Felix understands this, and that's why he's not angry anymore. He's just worried that it will be awkward to reconcile with Jisung and that things won't be the same anymore.

"I know. I want to make up with him too. I'm just not sure how" The younger responds solemnly.

"That's what hyung's here for. I can give you advice" Changbin smiles softly and pats Felix on the back. Felix can't help but smile at the older's tone and he chuckles. "What?" The alpha questions with a slight furrow in his brow.

"I just think you're a good hyung" Felix admits and leans in to hug Changbin. He wraps his arms around the older's waist and leans his head onto his sturdy chest. The alpha doesn't hesitate to drape his broad arms around Felix and pull him close, he rubs up and down his back gently.

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