Nabi's Smile.

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Felix officially has a one month old and he is absolutely obsessed with her. He's in love with the way she smells, like his sweet breast milk and something slightly bready. It's so pleasant. Sometimes he just presses his nose to her fat little neck and just takes a big whiff. He's in love with the way she looks at him, her eyes just starting to be able to focus and she stares deeply into his eyes, like she never wants to stop looking at him. He's in love with her little voice and her coos, it's a sound he could never hear enough of. He doesn't think he could be this in love with anything else.

Nabi's cheeks have filled out in the month that she's been with him. Her little legs are thick with chubby rolls and her belly is round and always full. Felix likes to do tummy time with her and watch her learn to lift her head on her own and become aware of her surroundings. What he likes to do most though, is kiss her tiny little feet.

"Oh! The feets! The feetsies~" The omega coos in English, as he holds her feet in his hands, peppering kisses on her soles. She's watching him attentively, then her little lips press together before she opens her mouth in a clumsy little grin. Felix's heart fucking explodes as he giggles gleefully. "Are you smiling, baby? Are you smiling for Papa?" He coos and keeps kissing her feet. "I love you, my baby. I love you soooo much~" He tells her as Hyunjin comes into the living room where the two were sitting on the couch. "Jinnie, my baby just smiled!" The omega cheers and Hyunjin comes rushing over.

"Oh, please do it again, Dumpling-ah! Please~" Hyunjin says as he comes to bend down next to Felix. The pup blinks at him, focusing her big innocent eyes on the beta. "Hi, beautiful girl~ Can you smile, pretty please? It'll make Jinnie sooo happy!" The beta speaks in an animated tone to draw the baby's attention. Felix takes his phone out, hoping to catch another smile to send Changbin while he's at work. Seeing their baby smile would most likely make the alpha's entire day.

"Nabi-ya, Appa's watching. Come on and smile~" Felix coos as Hyunjin rubs the pup's belly. She's just looking at the beta with wide eyes, her big head bobbling around. "She's looking at you Hyunjin. Act excited." Felix instructs and Hyunjin immediately puts on a bright smile, looking down at the baby.

"Hi, little dumpling! Can you smile? Can you smile for us?" Hyunjin coos and Nabi blinks at him, furrowing her little brows. "Hello~ You're so pretty!" He praises her and Felix giggles at the adorableness of the moment. At the sound of the omega's laughter, Nabi's head whips to him and her lips spread into a toothless grin. Hyunjin squeals at the sight. "You got that on camera?" He asks and Felix nods.

"My baby~" Felix coos, and presses a kiss to his pup's plump cheeks. He rubs his face into her neck and smells milky bread, and spreads his own scent on her. Then he pulls away to send his baby daddy the video of their daughter's cute little grin.

Lix (12:49PM): [video attachment]
Lix (12:49PM): We made the cutest pup in the entire world!!!

Binnie (12:51PM): AHHH
Binnie (12:51PM): Why is my baby soooo perfect???? *(^^)*

It's December and the weather is cold and rainy when Jisung comes to visit. He'd respected Felix's wish to have the first month to himself and close family, but now that Nabi's immune system is a bit stronger, he's the first of their friends to meet her.

"Where's the baby?" Is the first thing the omega asks when Hyunjin lets him into their apartment, the beta laughs lightly as the dark-haired man steps inside.

"Nabi-ya, look it's Sungie-samchon. You remember hearing him yell all the time when you were in my belly?" Felix introduces the two, holding his daughter in his arms so that his bestfriend could get a good look at her.

"Oh my God, she's so much smaller than I thought, Lix." The dark-haired omega coos, pouting at the pup endearingly.

"Do you wanna hold her?" Felix offers and Jisung seems to hesitate. "Don't worry, you won't drop her" the omega laughs as if he read the other omega's mind. He gently passes his daughter into Jisung's arms. The dark-haired omega cradles her tenderly, looking down at her with big curious eyes and a pinch in his brow.

"It feels weird holding someone's entire world in your arms." Jisung notes as he glances up at Felix, who was watching him with a sweet smile. Then he's looking back down at the baby in his arms, "I would kill for you, Seo Nabi. Do you understand?" He declares seriously and Felix laughs.

"Relax, Jisung-ah. There's no need to threaten anyone just yet." The brunette says as Jisung holds his daughter. The other omega looks awkward and inexperienced, but the sight is quite sweet. "Doesn't she make you want one too?" He asks with a smile, already knowing how the other man would react.

"Uh, she's cute and I love her, but my eggs shall remain unfertilized. Uncracked." Jisung replies and Felix laughs.

"It was worth a try." The brunette omega shrugs.

Just a short little fluffy chapter before I write Nabi's first holiday. There are literally only four parts left guys!! OMG, can you believe we've come this far?? By the way, writing about Nabi literally makes my ovaries ache and I cried writing about her first smile :') I'm gonna be so sad to say goodbye to this verse.

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