The lady's march

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~ My POV ~
So passed by hours, days and weeks. With training, fighting and getting used to a new life. My shoulder wound remained as a scar.
Idril remembered me of Indiriël in several ways, but it was more a peaceful memory than a destructive one. Elëanna and Haldir became true friends of mine, trustworthy, helpful and supporting. By the way, Haldir had been the only one I had not been able to defeat in training directly.
Thus, it was no surprise I was the first one to get up when Elrond's call arrived from Rivendell and soldiers were called to Helm's Deep.

"If I forbade you to come with you, you'd sneak yourself in behind my back, Anariël. You are the Lady of the Sun and the most true Elven warrior I've ever met. To forbid you a battle would be a shame', Haldir said smiling while I attired the Lothlórien armour. As he wanted to hand me over a helmet, I just laughed saying: "Don't you ever learn about me?", and he put it back.
Afterwards, I hang a long bow around my breast, sword hanging by my side and shield in my arms.
"No", I answered quietly. "You could not prevent me from following you."
Fighting was not the only reason for which I wanted to march to Helm's Deep.

So it came that Anariël, venerable princess of Mirkwood once, marched to Helm's Deep.
It was a long and hard journey, though. When the horn of the Elves blew in the darkness, a deep and inner peace filled my body I had been missing for weeks.
The gates were opened and we sweeped in, trained and brave soldiers.
"I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance", Haldir said, and stepped forward to greet Aragorn, who answered: "Mae govannen, Haldir. You are most welcome." "We are proud to fight alongside Men once more."
"If you shall fall this night, I will fall with you, and so will we all", I added with a soft smile and pulled my hood down. Aragorn's eyes widened. He seemed to not have been expecting seeing me ever again. "Is that a way to..." "No, it's not", he interrupted me before I could finish the sentence, and pulled me into his strong arms. "Promise me, Anariël... Never... Never again let me believe I might've lost you forever." As a small tear ran down my cheek, I whispered: "Never", and he held mr even tighter.
For these few seconds I just forgot my pain. I did not want to let go, not now, never. But I had to.
We had a battle to fight.

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