Another way

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~ My POV ~
For a moment, I saw nothing, only dark. There was a frightening silence and cold in the air.
It took me some seconds to dig myself out of the snow that had fallen upon me and my companions. I was not hurt at all, but there was no sign of the others. Suddenly, Frodo"s head appeared under the blanket of snow. With one of my frozen hands I helped him out and said: "You seem to live under the Valar"s blessing." The ring-bearer smiled at me.
Together, we pulled Merry, Pippin and Sam out of the snow. All of them seemed to be cold, nearly frozen. Without thinking I wanted to share my last warmth with them. "We need another way!", I cried, as I recognized, there was none left.

~ Legolas POV ~ (For you, honey )
I did not intend losing my second sister. So I was not full of happy consent, when the decision about going through the mines fell.
Indiriël we lost at the Erebor, when Fili Oakenshield died. Maybe one can understand me saying dwarves were not my favourite kind. And now I had my other sister by my side, just this time, we were about to enter Moria, not Erebor.
Was there any of us ten she would sail to Valinor for?
A little bit uncomfortable I felt, going all the way down, reaching the door. Anariël. I had to watch out for her.

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