-Target (in more ways than one)-

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{Hey guys! It's been a while, I'm really sorry about that, but here we go! Plus I really appreciate all the support this story has gotten, I never expected it to be this popular :D}

Word count: 981 :DD


Jack tugged on his now cleaned mask and followed Jeff into the store. He was instantly struck by how bright the fluorescent lights were. 

What the fuck. Are we in the sun or have my eyes just exploded?

We are in a store.

I know that.

Also you don't have eyes.


"-ck. Jack?" Jeff nudged him with his shoulder. "Dude you have got to stop doing that."

Jack shook his head. "Doing what?"

"Being catatonic in the middle of a Target."

"This is my first time." Jack started to wander around in a slight daze.

"Being catatonic??" Jeff grabbed his sleeve and led him over to the food section.

"No, being in a Target." Jack shook Jeffs grip and grabbed some granola bars.

Jeff took them out of his hand. "Ew don't get those."

"Why not?" Jack snatched them back.


"Because why?"

Jeff made an attempt to take to granola bars from Jack, but he held them up out of reach.

"Because they're gross." 

"Fair enough." Jack tossed the bars back at the shelf.

Jeff rolled his eyes and adjusted his mask. He hadn't been this long without his hoodie in a while and he was starting to get really cold. "C'mon let's get the stuff and get out of here." he said as he grabbed some crackers and snacks.

Jack waved his hand in a dismissive gesture as he walked over to the electronics.

Jeff rolled his eyes and looked down at the food in his hands. His eyes traced the raised scars over his wrists and forearms. He shuddered and looked away. God I wish I had my hoodie. He took the rest of the food he would need and dumped it all in a basket. Jeff looked over at Jack who was entranced by the new Nintendo Switch, then headed over to the alcohol section. He knocked a couple bottles of tequila into the basket and grabbed a packet of cigarettes. Jeff turned the pack over in his hands. He hadn't smoked since Liu was brought to jail. That was a rough week before Billys' party. Jeff had snuck out almost every night to smoke and cry in the woods. He never wanted to go back to that week. Still Jeff shrugged and throw the pack into the basket.

"What do you have there?" Jeff jumped and turned around. Jack was standing right behind him arms crossed. 

Jeff rolled his eyes. "What? I can legally buy this."

"Doesn't mean you should."

"Don't baby me." Jeff snarled. "It's fine."

Jack stepped back and held his hands up in a placating gesture, but kept a pissed-off look on his face.

Jeff sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Let's just get out of here." He grabbed the basket and headed to the checkout.

The cashier gave him an extremely weird look as she checked out the groceries. "Your total will be $20.43." Jeff handed her a 20 dollar bill and two quarters that her fished out of his jean pockets. 

As she counted the money, Jeff looked for Jack to tell him they were leaving when he saw Jack talking to some guy. They looked like they were old friends by the way they were laughing with each other. Jeff huffed and grabbed the grocery bag, telling the cashier to keep the change. He walked over to Jack and the random guy.


Jack was fucking hungry. As soon as Jeff was paying for his food, he began scanning the store, looking for anyone that seemed healthy. His eyes settled on a shorter guy near the shirts. Jack automatically changed his posture to seem more inviting and walked over to the shorter guy. He had short shaggy blond hair and hazel eyes. Stocky build. Gay pride pin. Healthy. Jack smiled. "Hey, I think the olive green shirt would go better." 

The guy jumped and turned around, holding two shirts. He looked down. "I guess you're right. Thanks."

"Of course. My name's Jack." He stuck out his hand for a handshake.

"My name's Tom." Tom replied, accepting the handshake. 

"So do you do all your shopping here or do you have a favorite store?"

"Um, well, I shop around honestly. I depends on the day."

Jack opened his mouth to respond, but then he saw Jeff walking back over. He suddenly grinned. The best idea just popped into his head. He grabbed Jeff's arm and tugged him over.

"Hey babe, great timing." 

Jeff's jaw dropped. Babe?

Jack leaned down and whispered into his ear. "Play. Along."

Tom immedietly looked uncomfortable. "Ah, well, I'd better go.."

Jack reached out to lightly touch his arm. "No, it's ok. We were actually just thinking about grabbing a coffee, would you wanna join us?"

Tom shook his head reluctantly. "No, I'll just be a third wheel."

Jack shook his head intensly. "You won't be, I promise. We, my boyfriend and I, were actually talking about opening our relationship up and you seem like a really cool guy."

Tom shuffled his feet and looked and Jeff, who nodded, still very confused.

"O-Ok I guess."

"GREAT!" Jack grabbed Jeff and Tom by the wrists and led them outside.

The three started walking to the coffee shop next to the woods. Tom and Jack talking while Jeff tried to figure out what the hell Jack was up to. The three of them reached the woods where they were blocked by the trees. 

Tom gulped. "Um, what are we doing here?" 

Jack was gone. Jeff set his bag down and sighed. He removed his mask and glasses and grinned at Tom. Jeff could see Jack behind Tom, lifting a heavy rock.


Tom crumpled to the ground, blood trickling from a small wound in his head.

Jack smiled.



Q: What's y'alls favorite scary movie?

A: The OG Scream (1996)

Love you all and I hope to update soon! ^^

Drink water and get some sleep.



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