-The Morning After-

499 26 10

Word count: 818

WARNING: Contains acts of violence!


Jack slowly opened his eyes. His head throbbed and his hands were caught in the handcuffs again. Rope encircled his body and the heavy collar remained around his neck. "What the hell?" he asked as his head turned. Two kidneys sat on a piece on a paper plate in front of him on the ground. The sharp thunk of somethings heavy sounded. Jeff stood a few feet away throwing knives into the trunk of a tree. "Hey." Jack yelled over at him, but he seemed to not notice Jack. "HEY!"

"What." Jeff snapped as he went to retrieve his three knives.

"What? I'm all tied up is what, and I can't reach the food."

"Not my problem."

"Jeez, what's up your ass this morning?"

"I don't know," Jeff jerked the knife out of the tree. "Maybe it's all my respect for you."

Jack was trying to squirm out of his bindings but looked up at the last comment. "Huh? Why?"

Jeff didn't speak but stalked over and sliced the rope, making it easier for Jack to reach the kidneys.

"Did you not hear me? I said wh- "

"And I don't really care to answer you!" Jeff yelled and threw the knife he was holding at the log right next to Jack.

Jack could tell it was something he did and wondered what it was that could've gotten him so mad.

"What did I do?"


"I said, what did I do?"

Jeff turned away and walked back to his backpack. "Eat. We leave in ten minutes."

Jack didn't what to eat though. He wanted to find out what happened that had made Jeff this pissed. "What happened? Why are you so angry? Why? What happened? Why are you so-"

"Shut up." Jeff whispered.

"Angry. What happened? Why are you-"

"I said SHUT UP!" Jeff grabbed the chain, lifted Jack up and pushed him against a tree.

"So, does this mean I get an answer?"

Jeff punched Jack square in the cheek. "I'm so fucking sick of you. You won't even own up to what happened!" He punched Jack again.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about!" Jack looked straight into Jeff's eyes. The amount of hatred there almost scared him, but he saw some pain in his gaze.

"Oh no." The conversation from last night with Churnabog came flooding back to him. "Oh no no no." Jack's knees crumpled and he slid down the tree to the ground. He stared up at Jeff. "I'm going to ask you this one more time. What did I do?"

Jeff looked away and clenched his fist. "You don't remember?"

"No, I don't remember!"

"You really don't recall fucking attacking me?!" Jeff punched the tree. His knuckles were bruised and bleeding, as was Jack's face. 

Jack felt the blood drain form his face. "That rat bastard actually did it. I can't believe him!"

"And what's more," Jeff kicked the base of the tree. "Is that you were trying to take my kidney. My kidney, Nichols!"

"I'm sorry, I can't control what he does."

"Oh you're sorry. Well that just makes everything dandy, doesn't it. Mr. High-and-mighty finally apologizes for something." Jeff raised his fist to punch the tree again. He was trembling. He hadn't lost control like this for a while. Ever since...

Jeff grabbed his backpack and stalked away, leaving Jack there, confused and hurt.


"I can't fucking believe I was so stupid!" Jeff cursed as he sat on a log, hands holding up his head. "To actually trust someone I haven't met before, that I had no idea about. Maybe I just wanted..a friend of some sort? I don't KNOW!" He threw his knife into the ground.

Silly silly boy. To think that he would actually want to be friends with you? You hurt him, for goodness sake. You're just a weak, worthless nobody who no one will ever like.

"...I don't know anymore. I mean, he couldn't control it, it wasn't his fault. Should I give him another chance?" Jeff looked up and saw Jack standing a couple feet away. "What the hell!"

"I'm here to formally apologize. I should've warned you about the demon and his...reactions. When he is in control, I am powerless. So, I'm sorry." Jack shifted his feet and looked at Jeff. 

Jeff studied Jack. He seemed sincere. "I accept your apology to an extent." Jeff stood up and grabbed his backpack. 

"Excellent. Can I have my mask back?"


Jeff started walking away, Jack close behind. Jack could still feel that something was off, but he decided not to question it. He'd just gotten Jeff to forgive him (to an extent) so, better not push his luck.

Jeff sighed and wondered if Jack remembered anything form last night. It would be less awkward if he didn't, Jeff thought. I don't really want to explain everything that happened.


Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment/vote, it really helps!

Love y'all, bye!


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