-Next Day-

460 23 11

(I'm running out of good chapter names T^T)

Hey guys! It's so good to be back and updating again, I really like this chapter so hope you enjoy ^^

Warning: Small implication of SH.

Word count: 931


"Jeff. Jeff! Would you listen to me? We've been walking for hours. I'm fucking starving."

"What do you want me to do about it? Give you my kidney. Oh wait, you already tried to take that from me." Jeff huffed and sped up his pace.

Jack hurried forward to Jeff's side. "I already apologized, what more do you want?"

Jeff stopped walking and turned to Jack. "I want you to stay away from me."

Jack sighed. "Fine you bastard. I will. I need food though. So, you can either let me go, or go kill something and bring me back the body."

"Well obviously the squirrel kidneys didn't fill you up, I know that. So do you eat a specific kind?" Jeff shrugged the backpack off his shoulders and grabbed a water bottle. He threw this to Jack, who wasn't paying attention. The water smacked him in the face and fell to the ground. Jeff snickered. "Nice reflexes Garfield."

"Oh stuff a sock in it, will you." Jack kneeled down and picked up the water bottle. He unscrewed the cap and took a drink. Wiping his mouth with his hand, he continued. "Actually, I do only eat a specific kind of kidney."

"Well, what is it? I do not want you going all feral again."

"It's kind of a...special type."

"Dude c'mon. It can't be that bad. What is it?" Jeff started rummaging through the bag, counting out the remaining supplies.

"You know what, you can just let me free, and I can go get it." Jack screwed the lid back on and tossed the bottle back to Jeff.

"Out with it already Jack. If you don't tell me, we will keep walking and if you try to attack me again, I will kill you."

Jack sighed. "Human. I eat human kidneys."

Jeff paused. He looked up at Jack, meeting his gaze. They looked at each other for around a minute, then Jeff shrugged, grabbed his knife, zipped up the bag and tossed the bag to Jack. "Here, hold onto that. Your mask is in there, I suggest you clean it off before we go into town."

"Wh-What?" Jack suddenly felt light-headed.

"I said clean your mask off before we go into town. Is that an issue?" Jeff started heading east, towards the sound of cars.

"No, no it isn't. But why are we going into town?" Jack pulled his mask out and began wiping it on his shirt as he walked besides Jeff.

Jeff rolled his eyes. "First off, we need to get more supplies and directions because I kinda think we're lost-"


"Let me finish. Second, we need to get you a kidney or two. I haven't killed anything since those squirrels, and I would rather not have your little demon friend take control again."

Jack's jaw dropped. He stared at Jeff.

Well, he is the first person that hasn't screamed in disgust when you told them you're a cannibal.

How many times have I told you not to call me that?

Sorry, 'people eater.'

.... anyways. Where have you been?

Chatting with some old friends.

How is that even possible? You're stuck to me.

You know how you can block me from hearing one of your conversations for a week or so?


I can do the same.

I should've assumed.

Yes, you should've.

"Nichols? Jack! You going to stop staring at me? You're creeping me out a little." Jeff shook Jacks shoulder.

Jack shook his head. "Sorry spaced out for a bit."

"Are you surprised that I actually offered to get you kidneys?"

"Yes, quite."

"Well don't be. I've been around the block a few times; I've met people who've eaten way grosser stuff." Jeff laughed. "You know, one time my older brother- " He broke off.

"Your older brother?" Jack prompted.

"Never mind, it isn't important. Besides, we're here." Jeff gestured at the luminescent sign that read 'Target.'

"If you say so." Jack shrugged.

"You got your mask cleaned?" Jeff turned to Jack.

"Yep. What about you? You're kinda...covered in dried blood and your face- "

"Are you calling me ugly?" Jeff joked and pulled a mask out of his pocket.

"No no no no no no. No. You're not ugly. I'm not calling you handsome, but you're not ugly."

Jeff laughed. "Thanks for the complement?"

"My pleasure."

"Anyways, in answer to your question, I'll just put this mask on and take my hoodie off." Jeff shrugged his hoodie off and stuffed it in the bag on Jack's back. He slipped the mask on. "So, what do you think?"

Jack looked him up and down. Jeff's hair was still cut in jagged angles. His eyes were rimmed in black and his was almost paler than it used to be. He was wearing a black T-shirt that hung down to his elbows, dwarfing him and a small chain necklace with a sword on it. He still had the black jeans on. Jack looked at his arms. They were skinny, you could see the bone, not much muscle.

How can someone so small be so strong? It's unordinary.

He had these strange scars on his lower forearm, like cat scratches. There wasn't many, but they were defiantly there. His wrists had more of them.


"Sorry. You look like an emo 15-year-old." Jack shook his head and grinned.

I'll have to get a closer look at those later.

"Fuck you man." Jeff ran a hand through his hair and laughed. "Let's go in."


Ooooo! Fun.

Q: What's your favorite holiday?

A: Halloween, hands down.

Have a nice morning/day/night, remember to drink water and get some sleep!

Thank you for all the votes and comments, it really makes my day :D


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