I could tell there were still a lot of pain killers in my system stopping me from feeling whatever they did to keep me alive. The door clicked shut, and I looked up. Hizashi stepped in, closing the door behind him. I was alone with my brother and his husband for the first time in over a decade. Hizashi opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

"You are my next of Ken. They told you what happened, correct?"

My voice was still raspy, my throat sore. I sounded pathetic, which kind of pissed me off. I wanted to sound as angry as I felt. It took him a minute, but he nodded his head. Oh, if I had a mind reading quirk, that would make this so much easier. But no, I had to get stuck with damn near the same one that he has. Only better

"Were they able to save my uterus?"

His eyes widened, I couldn't tell if it was because of the shock of me being so aware of the situation or the answer behind my question. It was clear from that look in his eyes he still saw me as his sweet innocent little girl. The one that died years ago and he did nothing to save.
He was taking too long to answer, and the anxiety was starting to make me tired.

"Just answer me. Were they able to save it or not."

He jumped slightly at my tone shift. He was deep in thought. Slowly. My brother shook his head no. 
I took a deep breath in and held it for as long as I could. When I exhaled, I could feel the sob threatening to escape. I'd be damned if I let him, or Kai, or anyone ever see my tears again.

"Get out."

I said in a soft whisper, I know they both heard me, but neither of them budged. My patience was already gone, I needed them gone, I needed to cry. I need to yell. I need to use my quirk and get the fuck out of here and find Touya.
Apologize to him for letting this happen. Is it even possible to mourn something you didn't know about until it was taken from you....


I tried to use my quirk with my last sentence, but of course, it didn't work. I should have known better, I've watched Aizawa shut off Touyas' quirk as well.

"I'm not leaving you, V. I'm not leaving you ever again. "

Hizashis Voice was shaky but stern. I stared at him in disbelief, the anger boiling. With my now free hand. I reached over and ripped the i.v out of my arm. Pulling the heart monitors I had along with any other cords I was attached to.

"Viya, stop."

Shota stood up from his seat. I laughed at both of them, They looked like disappointed parents. I wonder if they ever looked at their adopted daughter like this. Probably not, She's seen as a poor victim because she's still so young. Where the rest of us are seen like wild animals that need to be put down.

"No you both fucking stop."

My anger boiled, frustrated I couldn't use my quirk. There was no way in hell I was getting out of this, just yet. I would be damned if I just laid there and took whatever sob story and excuses they had.

"It's all of your faults!"

I screamed, I had no weapons, I had no quirk, I did have my rage, and for now, that would be good enough.
I leaped off the hospital bed. Pain shot through my stomach, but that didn't stop me. In a few quick steps, I was in front of my brother. Standing on my toes, I slapped him hard. I did it again, and again and again. Until something grabbed my wrist looking to the side, of course, Aizawas scarf. I looked back up at Hizashi, his cheek was already bruised, and his nose had some blood leaking from it.

"Move, I'm leaving."

Hizashi said nothing, just stared down at me, tears threatening to escape, good, let that image you held so dear shatter. Blowing my blonde bangs out of my face, our matching emerald eyes met. I went to step around him, and the scarf around my wrist pulled me back. I fought against it and turned to face Aizawa,

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