therapy week.

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The past week, Clover went to therapy each day. Her therapist suggested healthy coping mechanisms and Clover tried to do each one.

Monday, her therapist told her to hang out with people she trusted. Have a good day, make sure it mattered. So, Luke rounded up everyone and had a small get together including most of their close friends — they cooked, played uno until they dropped, and watched a movie of Clover's choice.

Tuesday, her therapist told her to watch one of her favorite childhood movies. Clover knew the movie the second her therapist mentioned it. She forced Luke and Sierra to watch Rapunzel with her. Clover felt a lot better that night.

Wednesday, her therapist suggested Clover go on small walks with her family or alone. So, Sierra and Clover went on a walk and she ended up seeing that same elderly couple. Poppy, Bill and their adorable husky – Scout.

"Hello dear!" Poppy said. "It's so nice to see you again. I was mentioning you to my grandson a little bit ago! I was wondering when I'd see you again."

"Hello Poppy," Clover smiled. "How are you guys?"

"Good, dear." Bill smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good," Clover smiled. "This is my sister-in-law, Sierra,"

"Hello, dear," Poppy smiled. "It's lovely to meet you."

While Sierra talked to the couple, Clover bent down on her knees and started petting Scout. She had gotten a lot bigger since the last time Clover saw her.

"We should be going," Poppy said. "We've got dinner to start on. It was amazing to see you again, honey, and it was lovely to meet you, Sierra."

On Thursday, her therapist had asked her. "Is your room messy today?" and she thought. And said yes. Her therapist, Miley, told her to have a reset day. To clean her bedroom, do laundry, organize, maybe buy some things — the basics.

And Clover did so. She cleaned her bedroom, deep cleaned, washed her sheets — made her bed. She even took a shower — it made her feel brand spanking new.

On Friday, she told her therapist about how she took her advice yesterday and cleaned her bedroom. Miley was very happy for Clover. She suggested that she keep a planner, possibly, and to spend a day writing everything inside it.

So, Luke took Clover to Target and let her pick out a planner.

Luke loved, loved spending time with Clover. It made his heart warm and happy that he was able to spend time with his sister, because he didn't spend much time with his other siblings.

He also loved hearing about her therapist weeks. Luke liked Miley — she was always very good with what Clover needed, and her wife was Sierra's friend so it worked.

"Is this one good?" Clover asked, holding up a dark green planner.

"It's perfect." Luke agreed.

That Friday night, she filled out the whole year (of dates she knew) her first day back at school, her brother's birthday, her friends birthday — everything.

On Saturday, Miley told her to update. How she was feeling, what emotions ran through her head, how this week felt — and she told the utmost truth.

Clover said, "While I'm still dealing with the aftermath of a toxic, physically abusive relationship, I'm starting to enjoy the little things. My mom called me and told me she bought my favorite drinks then remembered I wasn't home to drink them yet — and I had to smile. I'm just happy now."

On Sunday, Miley asked about her life back home. How it was going to be going back. And Clover had to really think, because due to Gavin — she had no more friends really.

So Miley advised her to reach out to those friends she was once with. Tell them her situation. And talk.

And that's what she did.

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