Chapter 20: Grail! War!

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Diluc: All for this so called "Master" of yours? Sounds suspicious as always...

Merlin: Well there is that... but there are also other factors!

Diluc: Such as...?

Merlin: Entertainment and curiosity!

Diluc: Now you just sound like a villain... 

Merlin: Ack! Everyone's harsh as ever! Ahem, well there is obviously my duty to the king, or at least to create the path for her to become one in this world. It's one of our only chances I can think of right now to win and survive after all.

Diluc: Survival. The whole reason I'm working for you is just that. Our enemies are dangerous and I'd prefer to work alone, but you seem to know all about them...

Merlin: Just as you seem to know about a certain few members of their team as well, so all in all a pretty fair deal.

Diluc: Fair... huh?

The pyro vision holder said, as he stared at the drunken mess of bard on the floor that he's had to keep a hold over so he wouldn't run off somewhere to get a drink and expose their base on accident. But as the two had their conversation regarding their plans and situation, the sky flashed a brilliant gold for a mere second before fading, a sign of something approaching.

Merlin: Hmm... so it's that time then, huh?

Diluc: What time?

Merlin: Well you were here to arrive last, so it's a given you wouldn't know. This is a rather strange situation even I don't fully understand myself, but it seems it's time... for either new friends or foes...


Far away from the mountaintops upon which the ivory tower rested, stood a frightening city with towering walls and a magnificent castle. This castle was built surrounding a gothic chapel of sorts that fit in surprisingly well with the city despite already being there before it. Truth be told, it was once a simple town that housed an Adventurer's guild. 

The person responsible stood on the balcony of the fortress of stone, an imposing castle that stood over the city that seemingly arose overnight. A mirror replica of a city of legend, yet something distinctly off with it, an uncanny copy of sorts. This person was a woman, one with long flowing white hair dressed in robes black as midnight, staff-spear-sword hybrid in hand.

It was none other than Morgan le Fay, who had also just witnessed the sky flash a brilliant gold.

Morgan: So the time of summoning has come, it appears. 

Slamming her staff to the ground, the sound echoed across the many empty hallways of the castle, and even into the open air of the cityscape.

Morgan: Knights, gather!

 As fast as they could, two of her loyal knights appeared before her. One with blonde hair and heterochromatic eyes, standing as a massive giant of muscle and armor. The other a much smaller more petite girl, donning sky blue armor, the smoke from her jet-like engines still emitting off of her. These two were...

Barghest: Fae Knight Gawain, reporting!

Melusine: Fae Knight Lancelot, reporting.

Also known by their true names, Melusine and Barghest respectively.

Morgan: Prepare the summoning area, I do not wish for collateral damage and we know not of the people we may summon this time around. Be swift!

Barghest: Understood, My Queen!

Melusine: Leave it to me, My Queen.

Barghest had ran off, or more accurately, leaped out an open window to get straight to the summoning area Morgan had set up due to the volatile nature of the summoning ritual. As for Melusine, she simply flew off to get to the area, being a dragon and having capabilities of flight do have their perks after all. 

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