Chapter Eight: The New Girl

Start from the beginning

Sunwoo gripped the hem of his shirt as his hands uncontrollably shook. Kevin could see that Sunwoo had suddenly gone still. His face had suddenly drained of any color. Kevin nudged Sunwoo but he remained stiff and unmoving. Concern washed over him as he could see the fear on Sunwoo's face.

"Boys this is Juyeon. Juyeon this is my son Kevin and my nephew Sunwoo. I hope you all can get along". Sunwoo forced a smile as he greeted Juyeon. Juyeon nodded and bowed towards them. "It's nice to meet you both". He said as he took a seat by his mother.

During dinner Sunwoo pushed his food around on his plate feeling nauseous by the fear that gripped his heart. He prayed that Juyeon wouldn't speak to him.

"May I be excused? I am feeling a little unwell". Kevin's mom nodded but felt that it was some kind of excuse. "You maybe excused Sunwoo".

Sunwoo scooted his chair back before putting it back and grabbing his crutches before slipping out of the kitchen. As he walked towards the hallway, Sunwoo could feel eyes burning his backside.

He rested the crutches against the wall before Sunwoo flopped onto his bed with a heavy sigh. "Why did it have to be Juyeon who showed up?" He asked as he curled up into a ball. Sunwoo was about to drift off to sleep when there was a knock at his bedroom door. He ignored it and closed his eyes. He figures if it was important they would come in anyway.

Another knock came at the door before Sunwoo sighed and slowly sat up. He really didn't want to be bothered with visitors especially Juyeon. He was the last person he wanted to see. "Come in". Sunwoo replied after yet another annoying knock.

His heart dropped to his stomach at who slowly enters the room. There standing in all black was Juyeon. He still looked the same only except that he was much taller now.

"I know you don't want to see me, but I really want to speak with you. But if you choose not to see me then I will head back". Juyeon spoke his hands jammed into his pockets. Sunwoo remained frozen by fear remembering the betrayal he felt back then and the events leading up to it. His heart raced erratically to which he felt fidgety. Juyeon nodded before turning around towards the door. "W-Wait. What is it that you have to say? Because I have nothing to say to you". Sunwoo spoke in a deep angry tone. He really couldn't believe that his "so called friend" wanted to talk to him. Especially after what all went down between them. Juyeon turned around seeing as how effected  Sunwoo was by his actions. Guilt resided in his heart even years after the event. "May I speak with you?" He asked not sure what Sunwoo's reaction was going to be. He feared that he would be kicked out. Even though he knew he deserved that at least. Sunwoo nodded but not making eye contact.

Juyeon slowly made his way towards the chair in front of the desk. Sunwoo watches as Juyeon makes his way towards the desk. He quickly glances at the desk when a photo caught his attention. It was a picture of him and Sunwoo in middle school on their school field trip. Juyeon was shocked he still had it. "I am surprised that you still kept this photo all this time". He said tracing his fingers over the photo. He figured it was in the garbage by now.

"It surprises me too. I often contemplated about throwing it away. But I couldn't bring myself to do so. At least that photo was taken before everything went down hill. So it's one good memory to remember". Sunwoo stated with a bitter tone to his voice. A rush of guilt came over Juyeon. He sighed running a hand through his hair.

He set the photo down before taking a seat. "That is why I wanted to apologize for my actions. I know that I can't take back the horrible things that I done to you. But I want to make things right. I don't expect you to forgive me immediately which is fine. I just wanted to tell you my side of the story and what really happened. Before I do that, I sincerely apologize for hurting you both mentally and physically. It doesn't help heal the damage that I caused you-"Why are you apologizing now? It's a little late for that don't you think. You were a best friend to me, I thought of you more like a brother. I looked up to you and you betrayed my trust. Once you started hanging out with them, you completely abandoned me and bullied me for no reason. I didn't deserve any of it. Yet you snickered at the thought of abusing me. What did I ever do to make you hate me?" By now Sunwoo was losing his cool.

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