Chapter 24: The Wedding

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1 year later

"Talia! How does it feel to be a married woman!?" 

Anatalia barely had time to brace herself before nearly being knocked down by Nyota as she pulled the woman into a tight embrace. Ana laughed at her friend's antics and looked to her side as Leonard tried and failed to contain his laughter. 

The wedding ceremony had been everything Talia had dreamed of. The greenhouse had been filled with beautiful white flowers of all kinds to give a bright contrast to the evergreen vines that coated the greenhouse walls. The aisle had been draped in sweeping white fabric and the altar was covered in a plethora of greenery, the only contrast the piercing black of Leonard's suit as he waited for Ana at the end of the aisle. Leonard always thought Tali was beautiful, but words could not describe just how breathtaking she was as she walked towards him surrounded by their families and close friends. He had promised himself he wouldn't cry, and had been true to that promise so far, but he wouldn't be shocked if some tears were shed before the end of the night. 

"I don't really feel any different so far, Nyota. I've only been married for a half hour." 

"Yeah, well it suits you. You're absolutely glowing." 

"Thank you, Nyota." 

The two women shared a warm smile before Nyota moved on to wish Leonard congratulations, leaving one James T. Kirk now standing before Ana. The captain gave Ana a cunning smirk before moving forward and enveloping Talia in a warm embrace. 

"Congratulations, Talia. Bones is now legally your problem instead of mine." 

Anatalia released a soft chuckle at Jim's words as the pair pulled apart from one another with Leonard now right at Ana's side as well. He and Jim shared a brotherly hug as well before pulling back with a few firm pats on the back. 

"I'm proud of you, Bones. Remember all those years ago when you said you'd never date and would certainly never marry again? At least you're a man of your word." 

Leonard rolled his eyes at Jim's teasing, pulling Talia closer to his side as if to reassure her that she need not heed Jim's mocking. 

"It's my wedding day, Jim, so I won't give that comment the usual snide remark it deserves." 

"Then I will continue to make similar remarks throughout the night. Seriously though, I'm beyond happy for the two of you. You both deserve each other. Congratulations." 

"Thanks Jim. Couldn't have done it without you." 

"Eh, that's probably true. But I believe the two of you are due for a first dance." 

Casting a glance over Jim's shoulder, the couple noticed the other guests gathering around the dance floor as the chosen music for their first dance song began playing. Anatalia looked up at Leonard to find him already smiling down at her. Leonard silently offered his arm which Talia gladly took as they strode onto the makeshift dance floor in the fields surrounding the greenhouse. Leonard spun Ana a few times before pulling her close to his body and falling into a steady rhythm with one another. In their five years together, Anatalia had had plenty of moments of pure bliss with Leonard, but nothing compared to the feeling of Leonard's hand in hers now or the rise and fall of his chest under her cheek. At the feeling of Leonard's lips placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head, Talia lifted her head from his chest to meet his eyes and smiled lovingly up at the man she could now call her husband. 

"I don't think I've ever thanked you, Tali." 

"Thanked me for what?" 

"I was completely miserable when I met you. I had given up on the possibility of anything good ever coming from my life. Never in a million years would I have imagined falling in love and getting married again. But slowly and surely, you changed me. You gave me faith in life again. You reminded me that not all people are bad and that not all love is one sided. I'll never truly be able to repay you for that, but I promise to spend the rest of my life trying."

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