Chapter 15: A Personal Attack

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"Talia! Talia!" 

At the sound of her name being called frantically from behind her, Anatalia quickly stopped in her tracks and turned to find Jim Kirk racing towards her from further down the hall. 

"Hey Jim. I heard we might be getting offered the coveted five-year mission. Need me to convince Leonard again." 

"We didn't get it." 

"What? Why not? The Enterprise is the most advanced ship in the fleet. How could they not choose us?" 

"Because I am no longer captain." Anatalia looked back at Jim in shock, not sure she could possibly be interpreting his words correctly. 


"Spock filed a report. An accurate report." 

"Shit. So, you need me to kill him?" Jim seemed to contemplate this option for a moment, long enough that even Ana was debating if he was really taking her joke into serious consideration or not. Finally though, Jim shook the thought from his mind and became truly serious once again. 

"No. And don't make offers like that when I'm in a bad mood." Ana couldn't help but chuckle at Jim's sour mood. 

"My apologies. Why'd you chase me down in this hall then?" 

"Pike is taking over the Enterprise yet again and has miraculously been allowed to make me his first officer. As such, he has tasked me with choosing the Enterprise's team. You and Bones have the spots if you want them." 

"Oh. I don't know Jim. Leo and I already talked about it a bit and we agreed to stay grounded for at least the next year. It's just, the last mission was so long, and we started on that one almost immediately after our first. Len just needs a break from space for a while, and I should stay with him." Jim simply nodded at Ana's rejection, which was odd considering this was typically the part where he'd start begging and wearing Anatalia down. 

"Jim? Is that going to be okay?" 

"Yeah, that's fine. It's just not going to be the same without the usual crew." 

"I'm sorry, Jim. If there's anything I can do, let me know." 

"Yeah, thanks Ana. Hey, are you covering the council meeting tonight." 

"Yeah, it's my crew. You know what it's about?" 

"No idea. I'll see you tonight. Tell Bones I said hi." 

"Tell him yourself, Jim! Don't hide from your best friend." Jim merely waved off Ana, but it meant that he had heard her as he walked in the opposite direction of the hall, so that was enough for Anatalia. 


 Anatalia had lost track of time at the gym earlier and was now racing to get changed for the emergency council meeting she was tasked with leading as head of security. She made quick work of removing her gym clothes as she walked back into her and Leonard's bathroom, barely noticing Leonard sitting up in the bed with his PADD in hand as she raced past. 

"Tali? You going somewhere darlin?" 

"Emergency council meeting! My team was requested. I'm running late!" 

"Have you eaten?" 

"Yes!" Leonard immediately rolled his eyes, knowing that this answer wasn't entirely accurate.


"I'll eat when I get back! I promise. Will you still be home, or do you have the night shift?" 

"I'm on call. Hopefully I'll be home." Anatalia walked back into the bedroom while zipping up her security uniform and quickly made her way over to Leonard's side of the bed to give him a quick kiss goodbye. 

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