Chapter 6: Romulans and Vulcans

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Anatalia did her best to maintain her cool as made her way onto the bridge of the USS Enterprise. She wasn't sure why she was still so shocked by the experience. Her goal since day one at the academy was to be CSO on this specific starship. But the reality of it all was still a lot to wrap her head around. Ana felt somewhat at ease as she spotted Spock and Sulu on the bridge as well. Knowing McCoy was somewhere on board helped as well. It was nice to have some familiar faces aboard. 

"Chief Tonks. I'm Captain Pike. I've heard good things. Glad to have you aboard." 

"Thank you, sir. An honor to be on board. This is Lieutenant Kenshi. She'll be my second in command." 


"The fleet's cleared space dock, captain. All ships are ready for warp." Turning his attention back to the mission at hand, Captain Pike resumed to his position in the captain's chair, ready for takeoff. 

"Set course for Vulcan. Maximum warp. Punch it." After a somewhat embarrassing display from Sulu in failing to get the ship into warp, the mistake was quickly corrected, and the Enterprise soon found its way on to Vulcan along with the rest of the fleet. The course laid out was going smoothly enough, until a sudden disruption made its way to the bridge, with one specific southern accent sticking out like a sore thumb. 

"Captain Pike, sir! We have to stop the ship."

"Kirk how the hell did you get on board the Enterprise?" 

"Sir, this man is under the influence of a severe reaction to a vaccine. He is delusional and I take full responsibility for him." Leonard's eyes shifted to Anatalia as he spoke, and he could almost hear her scolding him for not heeding her earlier advice. 

'Don't do anything stupid.'

"Vulcan isn't experiencing a natural disaster, it's being attacked by Romulans."

"Cadet Kirk, I think you've had enough attention for one day. Commander Tonks, please escort Dr. McCoy and Mr. Kirk back to med bay and make sure they stay there. McCoy, we'll have words later." 

"Yes sir." As Anatalia moved to grab Kirk's arm and remove him from the bridge, he quickly shoved her off and moved closer towards Captain Pike. Ana didn't have time to be shocked by his reaction, instead grabbing him even more firmly by the arm, causing him to turn and meet her glare. 

"Don't you dare make me put you down, Jim." Kirk seemed to contemplate Ana's words for a moment, knowing she wouldn't hesitate to do just that, but Commander Spock spoke before he could make the decision. 

"I can remove the cadet from the bridge, sir." Those words seemed to make Kirk's decision for him as he once again twisted out of Anatalia's grasp and stood at full attention towards Pike and Spock.

"Try it! This cadet is trying to save the bridge." 

"Based on what facts?" 

"That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space, also occurred on the day of my birth, when a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin. You know that sir, I read your dissertation. That ship, which had formidable and advanced weaponry was never seen or heard from again. The Kelvin attacked took place on the edge of Klingon space at eleven-hundred hours last night there was an escape from a Klingon prison planet. The escaped prisoners were Romulans, and it was reported that they stole a ship, one massive ship." 

"And you know of this prison escape how?" Kirk turned to his left, prompting everyone else on the bridge to look in the same direction, all eyes landing on Lieutenant Uhura. How all of her friends ended up at the forefront of this issue was beyond Ana, but there was clearly no escaping it now. 

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