𝟎𝟎𝟑, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐲

Start from the beginning

" no. in the wall." the bank manager sighed, he opened the door and tim got it before it closed on them. " mike went inside to fix an ATM last night before we closed, and we forgot he was in there and left. the lock must of broke when he tried to come back out, and hes been inside all night." the bank manager added on.

" he pushed this note through the receipt slot, when he heard us come in. " the bank manager handed tim the note, which said hurry hard to breathe.

tim called for the fire department and there was no way that the fire department was gonna make it in time. so valentina went to get the halligan out of the trunk.

she gave it to tim, who started to tear the wall but was in obvious pain doing so. valentina took it from him and finished the rest of that, because he got mad that he was doing it.

there was a decent size whole in the walk giving the man room to breathe, which he immediately took the chance, the man was out the wall in no time.

they got a call at a location about a possible burglary, after they were done talking to the workers, valentina had to go to the bathroom. she made sure nobody else was in there and then took off the belt that held everything.

she didn't hang it on the hook instead she held it, just because the bathroom wasn't completely secure, stalls didn't reach top to bottom.

after she was done in the bathroom she put her belt back on and washed her hands, went back outside to see tim on the phone, visibly irritated.

" get in. " tim said and by his tone valentina didn't even say anything but got in anyway.

they made their way to the emergency room while tim went in a room with a white woman. she walked out of that room clearly mad, so valentina went in the room bradford was in, he punched a hole in the wall.

" are you okay? " valentina asked which wasn't he didn't respond instead just told her to get in the car. they answered a call about biker gang and tim still wasn't okay, valentina wasn't gonna push it though.

he tested her on how to identify a bike gang and she got it right since it's not hard at all.

" should we call for backup? we will get our asses beat as soon as we step out of the vehicle " valentina said to him, trying to get in his head but he was to mad to see what he was doing.

" wheres the fun in that? " he asked then got out the car, valentina followed his actions no matter how much she didnt want to. as soon as they stepped out a beer bottle was thrown at them, missed completely but still.

" now that's just sad. either you're man enough to come at me or you're not. now who needs a felony? " tim said loudly so they can hear him over the people talking and the loud music playing.

" what are you doing? " valentina asked him. she knew he was taking his anger out on them but it doesn't make it right.

" i'm not gonna repeat myself this is a one time offer and its about to expire. you beat me, i wont even book you, i beat you and you go to jail and your buddies hit the road. " tim yelled out again completely ignoring the girl.

valentina moved out the way, hand on her gun just because of the situation. with her hand on her gun three men just circled her.

they made this man jordan go first and he was getting solid hits on tim. until tim got him on the ground and got great hits on the man, has him in and out of conciseness.

" what the fuck was that?" valentina asked clearly mad at him because of that.

" patrol work boot. you planning on saying otherwise?" tim asked knowing her word wont matter no matter what, valentina plans on talking to tim after shift but she's honestly scared.

" get him processed. " tim said to valentina.

" what about the booking approval, you made this arrest. " valentina was clearly still mad and tim just made her do all the paperwork.

" you saw what happened. write it up boot. " tim said and walked away from her.

jackson was processing aswell and valentina noticed it.

" jackson can i talk to you? " valentina asked, jackson noticing the tone in her voice immediately said yes. valentina explained the situation to him and jackson said that she needs to do something, valentina wasn't gonna snitch on him so only other thing to do is talk to him.

bradford got six things of narcan and valentina knows its for isabel, which tim dragged her to an apartment and this was a chance to tell him exactly what the hell he was doing.

she talked to isabel and honestly she doesn't seem bad at all she just needs to get clean, but thats not gonna be easy for her.

later on that night valentina and tim were still on patrol, this time for suspects of armed robbery, they spotted the suspects running down a street. they split up, they found their suspect and he already started shooting at them.

" if i go over this trailer, i'll come up on top of him. " tim suggested and that was not gonna happen.

" with all due respect i should go. " valentina said to him, he was even fully recovered there was no way he was gonna go.

" forget it. " tim said looking the side of the truck.

" improvisation is a useful tool for a rookie to learn " valentina said, her only choice was to get technical.

" good, all right you passed tonights test. get your ass up there " tim said to her, she put her gun away and started to climb on the truck. once she got on top of the trailer she took her gun back out.

" police! drop your weapon! do it now! get down on your stomach. " valentina yelled once she realized he wasn't listening.

tim got him in handcuffs and valentina was still on top of the trailer, she was surprised that man even listened to her.

" what do you want? applause? get down here. " tim said and she did, still feeling pretty good no matter what tim has to say.

it was after shift and now time to talk to tim, she waited outside the boys locker room.

" tim no disrespect but i hope you know that if you pull some shit like that again, i will be bringing it up with the captain or grey. you're not going to put me in danger because you were mad, and if you do i can promise you the outcome will not be what you want." valentina said to him after he noticed her waiting there on her phone.

" i know what i did was wrong and i'm sorry. " tim apologized and that was all that was needed for valentina to forgive him.

the four rookies went out to the beach and drank a little bit, talked about their day before they all went home.


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