no laws broken

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Time flys by before you know it.

I was finally in my last trimester.

The gender has remained a secret, and the only person who knows is mami. She was there for the appointment.

But she was the one I wanted to know because she was probably the one I trusted the most.

If Elena knew she would break out into a nervous episode, and would chew off her nails.

Abuelita would become so much,  I mean, buying gender specific clothes, making everything related to the gender and what not.

Alex, doesn't care what gender. I mean that boy, he has been so excited to become a tio. He's even said to me what when my baby is born I should name it after him.

"Elena!" I slammed my hand on the door, Elena was in the bathroom. And was taking forever.

"In a minute" she screamed her reply.

"Unless you want me to piss myself I suggest you open up. RIGHT NOW!"

Elena swung open the door and makes a dramatic motion to the toilet.

After I had finished I went out into the kitchen. Where mami and Abuelita were bickering over something.

"No, you are bisabuela and I'm Abuelita" mami sneered through a clenched jaw.

"No, I have been Abuelita for decades" Abuelitas boney hands got up in mamis face.

"Aye. cálmense señoras" I patted their shoulders. Pulling them away from each other, so they wouldn't start cat fighting.

"Alex, how long have they been going like this for?" I asked my brother who was sitting at the table drinking his O.J and scrolling through his phone.

"Eh, 10 minutes or so" he mumbled back.

"And you didn't stop them" I dead panned "it's interesting" he shrugged.

"Oye, how about this. Mami you can be abuela, and you can be Abuelita" I reasoned with the women.

"Good, because no way putting a 'great' in front of my name. It says I'm 'old' and soy cualquier cosa menos" Abuelita says in Victory.

Mami huffed and fixed her hair.

"Want some toast" my eyes perked up and I nodded "with peanut butter on it?" Mami smirked and snickered at my eagerness.

Elena stomped out of her room and walked over to couch before throwing herself down.

"Whats up her ass" I whispered to Alex. He shook his head with his shoulders near his ears.

"Xiomara, can you drive syd and I to a rally in the park this afternoon?" I hummed and put my thumbs up in reply.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" she yelled, her arms flying around like a loca.

I smiled when mami handed me my toast.

"I didn't know you could still drive?" Mami asked sitting down.

"Shouldn't be but I'm fine" I pat my belly. Half my clothes didn't fit anymore because they did not make stylish maternity clothes so I'm wearing most of my old army tees.

"Don't be stupid" abuelita tapped my temples, I snorted "Hello, look at my driving record. No laws broken" I shimmied my shoulders.

But stopped when I felt pain in my chest. I whined and put my hand on the painful part.

"Whats wrong" mami asked, dropping her toast and shooting over to my side. I winced and looked up to her "I don't know" I muttered.

"Call Schneider, ask him if he can take the kids to school" mami spat the orders, easing my up from seat and grabbed her work bag. Alex and Elena followed while abuelita was on the phone.

"I'm okay, seriously" I chuckled but that only caused me to cry out in pain.

"Kids, back in the apartment" mami pointed to the door, they were reluctant but Elena gave me a kiss on the forehead before tugging alex back inside.

Mami drove us to her work.

Doctor B assessed me and informed us that it was just heartburn. Which was normal because that baby was pushing on my stomach.

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