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lenas pov:

I was sat with jessie, Zoe and Bella until Jeremiah comes up to us. 

I glance up at him as there is a bit of a hight difference. he is so mesmerising to me, he has curly brown hair, beautiful green eyes and tanned skin. 

I get a weird feeling in my stomach, I get this feeling a lot when im around him. 

uh oh, I feel the alcohol coming up, I gulp trying my best to keep it down. 

'what the fuck lena' Bella says

I have just vomited all over myself, great!

jermeriah looks at me in shock 'oh my god lena' 

Zoe gets up 'im gunna take her to the bathroom'

'no its fine I can do it' Jeremiah puts his arm around my shoulder, he looks down at me and gives a little smile 

'are you sure' I ask 

he nods his head yes. 

he leads me to the bathroom.

I sit on the edge of the bath while Jeremiah gets a towel and hands it to me. I try my best to clean my self up but I smell. 

'you have any spare clothes?' he asks

I laugh 'no, I don't go round bringing multiple outfits around with me'

'haha I guessed not.' he takes off his hoodie, his shirt underneath lifts up a little, showing his abs. wow. 

'no its fine'

'no honestly take it, id rather you wear this than be covered in sick the rest of the night'

I laugh 'okay thank you' I smile, taking the hoodie

I begin to lift up my t shirt without realising, Jeremiah laughs 'ill turn around'

I giggle 'alright' I take off my shirt and put on the hoodie. ummm it smells good. 

he comes closer towards me, I fall into the bath, loosing my balance.

Jeremiah giggles, takes my hands and lifts me up again to sit on the edge. this time he's closer, straight in front of me. face to face. eye to eye. my heart is beating faster than ever, suddenly im still, I cant breathe. 

he brings hand close to my face, he tucks my hair behind my ear, moving it out of the way. he leans in to kiss me. I close my eyes. 

the door suddenly swings open. its Leo...

'what the fuck' Leo shouts, he rushes over, grabbing Jeremiah by his shirt 'she's drunk you dickhead' 

'get the fuck off of him Leo, he didn't do anything wrong' Leo is overly protective off me, always has been. 

'he was just about to kiss you lena! what the fuck are you doing with him anyways?!' 

I stand up, grab Leo by the hand and lead him out of the room. 'Leo what are you actually doing and why are you hear? I don't need you following me around all the time'

'im only looking out for you, I don't want you around him. you know he's a player.'

'im aware of that but you don't know him like I do, why do you care so much?'

'you know what forget it, I don't even know why I try'


he walks off from me, I shout 'Leo!' he ignores me.

im so confused. I walk to the fridge to get another drink. lacy is there 'hey' 

'where the fuck have you been? I've not seen you for half of the night?' she asks

I tell her everything...


me and lacy had walked back from the party later on to lacys. 

were both pretty much sober now. thats until she starts rolling two joints. I smirk. she laughs. 

'I need this' I giggle

'I think we both do'

what do you wanna order?' I ask 

'pizza and kebab?'

'YES' its our fave

lacy calls the takeaway as im scared, we both are to be honest. 


'Leos been like really weird with me lately' I say

'yeah I've noticed. have you ever thought he could you know? like you?'

I spit out my Pepsi max 'like me? are you dumb'

she laughs 'well yeahhh, he literally likes you its so obvious, how can you not see it'

'not a chance, its not even like that he's like my brother'

'thats what you think. I recon he's liked you for a while now to be honest'

I shake my head 

'oh my god!' lacy screams

'what?' I ask

'nates typing.'


'he never really messages me' she says 

'oh. whats he said'


"im surprised you even came today' -nate

"if theres a party you know ill be there, why you surprised?' -lacy

"just didn't think you'd come after hearing about me and ada. thought you'd be too jealous seeing us together" -nate

"ahahaha wtf why would I be jealous Nate idc who ur with like I said I go to everyones parties, I didn't get the pleasure of seeing u two together today" -lacy 

"whatever wad anyway?" -nat

"nowt im just with lena" -lacy

'whys he even texting you what the fuck?' I ask

'literally, I can't be arsed to reply. like whats he brining up ada for like I give a fuck'

I laugh


we are watching gossip girl, well were. lacy fell asleep ages ago. normally im the one to go to sleep first. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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