27. An explanation 

Start from the beginning


"I'm so sorry iris and for how I just acted"

I gave him a little smile and mattheo carried on.

It hurt me over and over hearing it coming from someone else.

"Omg babes, I'm so sorry you had to go though that now last night makes alot of sense" said pansy hugging me.

"There something that happened last night and it's the only thing I can really remember, three guys tried to um well get me to do stuff with them when I said no and then I ran out and ran into someone"

"I told you, and you ran into me angel"

I hated when he calls me it, it just leaked me want to kiss him so badly.

"Told them what?"

"I know who they guys are, and also can I talk to in private a minute please"

I agree and we go to his dorm.

We get in there and he shut the door and he walks up close to me.

"I miss your touch, I miss your smell, I miss you angel and I know you miss me too forget what I said the other day you need someone by your side you can't do this alone"

"I miss you too mattheo but I can't just get back into a relationship with you I need to sort my head out first"

He looked sad but I just wanted his touch I don't want any other boy to touch me except him.

"Can I at least kiss you"

I nod and he wastes no time to connect out lips together and slips in a bit of tongue while rapping him hand around my neck, this was turning me on, i clenched my thighs together.

Mattheo PoV-

I needed to touch her and I knew she needed mine too.

With the kiss I realised she was squeezing her legs closed, she was horny but I couldn't fuck her she not mentally stable.

But when she is I'm going to fuck her until she forgets her own name.

Even though she said she won't get back with me yet, I'm still going to make sure no other guys touches her.

I don't care if they call me possessive.

I pull away  "I need you to promise me something"

"What's that"

"You will never do molly again"

Her face drops and then that look of she going to do it again, but I'm not allowing it.

"Iris I'm serious"

"It's hard mattheo it's helps me cope"

"Well you have all of us to help you"

"I guess, I will try but I can't promise"

I just nod and we go back to the others, she seemed more lively and it made me happy.

When she's happy I'm happy.

Iris PoV-

I felt better but only a little but I wanted some weed, I actually have a splif in my bra.

"I'm gonna go for a walk I won't be long"

"We will come" said pansy

"No, well I mean I just want some fresh air I won't be long"

I quickly leave I didn't mean to snap like that, it's just they all hate when I smoke weed or drink but it's entirely fine when they do it or when pansy does it

I'm not a child, I can care for myself.

I get to an outdoor garden and i light my splif . This garden is abandoned no one knows about it apart the slytherings.

I was sat on a bench smoking it when someone grabs it out of my hand.


"What are you doing, why you smoking weed"

"Because I want to you said molly not weed"

"Well you know how I feel about you smoking weed"

"Well we ain't together mattheo you can't boss my around and plus everyone else does it you even allow pansy to do it so why is is such a problem when I do it"

"Because I love you"

"Mattheo don't say that"

I grab the splif back and start smoking it again.

"Give it here"

I shake my head but he smacks it out of my hand and stomps on it.

"Your such a prick, you know that"

"Come on"

He pulled me back to the group.

"She was smoking weed"

"Omg why is it such a big deal, ughhh everyone fucking one of you do it so fuck off and leave me alone."

Theo then spoke "it's not that it's just your not very mentally stable and weed is just making you numb yourself which isn't a good thing, Iris you need help"

"And where am I meant to get this help from?"

"Us" said pansy

"Yeah we will all speak to you and help you through it" said Enzo.

"Ok" I say quietly I knew they was right.

Time skip to October (only a mouth)

It was the 5th of October and I feel so much better they really have helped me and I haven't had weed or molly since when mattheo caught me.

"It's a Saturday what should we do"

"A group shag?" Said Theo

"Can't we have siblings here" said pansy

Everyone giggled, it was nice everyone was cheerful.

But I was horny as fuck I haven't been touched or fucked since before the Jacob thing.

"How about we do 3 sum?" Said Theo

"Me, mattheo and Iris then Draco, Enzo and pansy"

We all agreed and I was excited finally.


Next chapter will be smutttt!
But also Voldemort wants to see Iris he found out after a month, because he thought they were doing good but go someone to go any check and they found him dead and her gone

Words 1497!

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