𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞-𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐰

Start from the beginning

Not long after, Jack Sparrow, Gibbs and the young man with the brown hair you had seen yesterday in the pub, who you now realized was quite handsome too, walked down the docks and inspected the men in front of them.
You glanced at Jack from under your hat.

He had left the pub directly after toasting with Gibbs last night, and you hadn't had time to take a closer look at him.

He was taller than you, you now noticed, and had long dark hair, most of it in dreadlocks, and a goatee beard with two long braids. He wasn't the young man anymore, you had met a decade ago, but he was definitely just as handsome as you remembered him with his hazel eyes. As your eyes moved down his body, you saw that he was holding a banana in his hand like a pistol and you had to chuckle. 

The pirate moved down the line looking rather disappointed and unsatisfied with his new crew, while Gibbs was busy praising the men, he had convinced to join the journey.

"Feast your eyes, Captain. All faithful hands before the mast. Every man worth his salt, and crazy to boot", he said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. 

"So, this is your able-bodied crew?", the young man with the brown hair standing behind Jack asked skeptical and looked quizzically at him.

The pirate ignored him and continued walking down the line, but stopped as soon as he spotted the old man with the colorful parrot on his shoulder.

He squinted his eyes at the bizarre view then asked with a sudden loud and firm voice: "You, sailor!"

"Cotton, Sir", Gibbs said confident.

"Mr. Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?", Jack asked, but no reaction came from the addressed man.

"Mr. Cotton! Answer, man!"

"He's a mute, Sir", Gibbs said quickly, "Poor devil had his tongue cut out."

For prove, Mr. Cotton opened his mouth to show the pitiful remains of a tongue what disgusted Jack, who made a face, just as much as the young man behind him who raised an eyebrow in disgust. 

"So, he trained the parrot to talk for him", Gibbs continued, "No one's yet figured how."

For a brief second, Jack looked confused then he stepped one step to the side and now looked directly at the parrot on Mr. Cotton's shoulder.

"Mr. Cotton's... parrot,", he said hesitantly, "same question."

"Ah! Wind in your sails! Wind in your sails!", the parrot croaked.

"Mostly, we figure that means yes."

"Of course, it does", Jack exclaimed and turned to the young man behind him who still looked skeptical, "Satisfied?"

"Well, you've proved they're mad", he stated.

Jack shrugged and again moved down the line to examine the rest of the crew.

With every step he took towards you, you got more nervous.

Your plan had been to disguise yourself as a man to get on the Interceptor. And if that had worked out, well, you would have stayed in that disguise. You hadn't really spend time thinking about what would happen if you were discovered. When you had decided to join Captain Jack Sparrow last night, you hadn't really thought about any possible consequences your actions might have. You just knew that you liked sailing, that you wanted to go on adventures and leave Nassau in the past.

That was what you had always dreamed of. Freedom.

But as Jack came closer and closer towards you, your nervousness grew.
You just hoped that he would walk right past you and wouldn't pay any attention to you.

But when he was right in front of you, and you could already see his boots, he suddenly stopped and there was a short silence; only the sound of the sea could be heard.
You started to worry that maybe the big hat hadn't really been your best decision so far.
It basically screamed: "I don't want to be seen."

What was, in fact, true but also very suspicious.

You felt a slight tug on your hat when someone grabbed it and abruptly ripped it off your head.

And once again you looked into the hazel brown eyes of Captain Jack Sparrow and felt how all your dreams of sailing the sea vanished in a matter of seconds.

"A woman", Jack Sparrow said more surprised than deliberate and looked at Gibbs, "I knew it, of course."

Then he smiled charmingly and turned his gaze back to you: "Well, hello lassie. What can Captain Jack Sparrow do for you?" 

You were perplexed at first. This felt like an deja-vu, like the night you had seen him for the first time. You gathered yourself and took a deep breath.

"I want to be part of your crew!", you said now rather confident.

The men around you started to laugh, and you blushed. Jack didn't laugh. He just looked at you with curiosity and his charming grin.

"Is that so?", he asked, and the laughter died. Again, the conversation felt like a deja-vu.

"Yes." You felt how your confidence came back to you and you were a little ashamed. You must have looked like a nervous and naive child. But you weren't. Your week in Tortuga had brought back your temper that you had always controlled in Nassau. You felt more like yourself now, stronger. And no handsome pirate would change that! You would stand your ground.

"So, you're a pirate then?", he asked with a raised eyebrow and still smiling.

"A pirate? How dare he!", you thought. You weren't a pirate and hell; you didn't want to be one. Just because you wanted to be part of his crew didn't mean you wanted to be a part of piracy. You were a respectable woman. 

This accusation made you really mad and before you knew it you had lost the just mentioned temper and grabbed Jack by his collar. Now, your faces were only inches away. 

"I'm not a pirate", you spatted in his face with a low voice.

He looked directly into your eyes and let out a slight chuckle.

"Easy, love", he said, his face still close to yours and a shiver went down your spine as he gently loosened your grip around his collar, and your hands touched.

"Finally, at least one person I can rule out to be completely insane", the young man with the brown hair said and nodded towards you. The whole time he had stood behind Jack who now took a step back from you.

"And why would I want you, lassie, a woman and not even a bloody pirate, to sail under my flag?"

"Because I have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death", you said confident. Jack looked semi-convinced. "And I'm better company than the gentleman's parrot over there", you added and nodded towards Mr. Cotton.

For a short moment, Jack considered your words then he smiled at you lasciviously: "Welcome aboard, Miss...?"

"Saunders", you said without thinking.

"Aye", Jack screamed, and the rest of the crew joined him. "Anchors aweigh!", he ordered.

Everyone, including you, started walking down the docks towards the Interceptor

The other sailors gave you weird and shady looks and behind you, you could hear Gibbs say, how it was frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard.

But Jack simply said: "It'll be far worse not to have her!" And you could feel his eyes on you. 

Finally, you felt yourself getting closer to your dream of freedom. You couldn't await the new adventures that laid before you. 

Not a Treasure of Silver and Gold - Jack Sparrow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now