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The entire roundabout adventure of sailing back and forth to save young Ian came to a harrowing end once their ship went down in the Americas...

Jamie and his wife Claire, sought refuge at his aunt Jocasta's, where Claire bitterly had some unabashed wording on the matters of owning slaves. After all she came from the 20th century, where she especially had strong feelings about slavery abolishment and equal rights for African Americans. One of her best friends was an African American doctor.

To see these slaves here in Jamie's maternal family no less, made the pregnant woman sick to her stomach.

"Yer pregnant deary... do not fash yerself, I do not ken why the slaves would be of any concern to ye... it is after all my nephew Jamie that will be personally owning them. Not you, yes?"

Jocasta had reasoned lightly.


Claire frequently stayed within her room amidst all the unsavory talk of buying and selling more slaves. And the effort to add rice to their plantations as well, justifying that it would fetch a more handsome price along the water line and be able to keep all of the slaves fed at a cheaper cost.

As said, Claire felt sick, and it was not due to her relentless morning sickness either. Just being in the presence of a home that owns slaves left a rather unsavory taste in her mouth.

She huffed loudly and then ran a hand over her large belly. This pregnancy was proving more tiresome than when she'd had Brianna in the past. Of course also factoring in her age was on route with the biggest cause of her exhaustion.

"I can't own slaves Jamie... I just simply cannot..."

Claire had mentioned in distress.

"I ken your distaste of the matter  Sassenach... and I agree..."

𝓢𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓬𝓱'𝓼 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭Where stories live. Discover now