Final Chapter: Final Transaction

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"Buenos Dias, senor Bueno..." Rena said, typing away at her keyboard while taking a phone call for her customer. Another day back in the office, and pretty much everything's back to normal – Everyone's back to investigating EBT fraud cases, the newbies are getting trained by Pablo who became a supervisor and I'm still with Leonard...As an EBT card. It's still something and I'll take it. I'm not being used to be a data transferring tool anymore; I just sit on his desk on a little pedestal. If some cases get complicated, Leonard plugs me into a reader, and I join everyone via online conference to guide them in the right direction. But wait, you're probably wondering, what happens from here? Nathan has the right solution. Speak of the devil, he walked out from his office, onto our side.

"Alright everyone, break time! Leonard, please leave that EBT card on your desk. I have to make sure it's up to date." Nathan said. Leonard nodded and winked at me before walking away with the others.

"Did you just wink at your EBT card?" Dajia asked, snapping her fingers in Leonard's face. Leonard shook his head.

"Hey, why are you bullying him? He's obviously single and delusional and..." Leonard cut Pablo off by slapping him on the back of his head.

"I was just kidding" Pablo groaned.

"Come on you guys, let's get some coffee downstairs" Rena suggested.

"I want chocolate milk" GC pouted.

"Regular milk for me" Fumo added.

"Do we have to deal with this every day?" Broseidon asked.

"Who cares, as long as the vets treat the newbies!" Aibou joked. Everyone laughed and walked out of the room.

"We'll get you something too, boss!" Leonard yelled.

"Anything's good, thank you!" Nathan responded. Nathan picked me up and took me to the office.

"Did you end up finding it online?" I asked Nathan. So, I had a great idea that I worked out with Nathan. Artificial intelligence is on the rise these days, but it gets really boring having an A.I. bot like me in a computer. I wanna be back to my human self. I know, I'm not an A.I. bot, I'm a soul without a body that got reincarnated as an A.I. Bot, using an EBT card as a vessel. Not the most ideal environment. So! Nathan and I found a company that makes realistic looking human robots, androids if you will. We spent a good amount of time looking at androids that looked like when I was still alive. We eventually found one that was relatively buff, short hair, brown eyes...Yeah I know it's a normal look, but like I said, I'm a normal guy.

"Yes sir! We're expecting the package to arrive soon...Which should be..." Nathan was cut off by a knock on the door. The door opened.

"Package delivery for a Nathan Kuroda." A muscular man in a deliveryman's outfit held a clipboard in front of him for Nathan to sign. If I didn't have the hots for Leonard, I'd be all over this guy.

"Thank you mister...Ni..." Nathan signed the clipboard and returned it.

"Just Nico, thank you. Hang tight, this package is huge" Nico said. Get your head out of the gutter. Nico wheeled in a six foot box inside the office. Nico dropped the package from the roller and exited the office.

"Shall we?" Nathan said. He grabbed a boxcutter from his desk and began opening the box. Kind of creepy that the box is labeled 'Best Bodies', but the android body looked great from the website. Here's to hoping it looks the same as it does on the website. After Nathan cleared the package of the scraps of foam, out revealed a six foot tall muscular figure. It looked way too realistic – It's perfect!

"Don't worry, it's not real skin! It's just rubber" Nathan assured me, so we don't confuse it for an actual human. The android's eyes were also closed.

"Wait, what about the clothes?!" I yelled. We forgot to buy clothes for my new body!

I Used Up All My Resources and Got Reincarnated as an EBT Card (Wattpad Edition)Where stories live. Discover now