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Chapter Three
Yoriichi Type Zero

❝I will forget anyway, so I'm going to be fine.❞

WHEN YOU WOKE UP THE next day, the disturbing feeling from yesterday was gone... for now. You thought it might have been due to yesterday's events and fight, so you didn't think much of it.

Today, you decided to take an intense training session in order to develop your swordsmanship skills more. You ate breakfast and put on your uniform and sword to start your day. The new year celebration was nearing, so you had to use all of the remaining time to train. Like this, you can go to the festival without any concerns about your training. Anyway, Ginko landed on your shoulder as you made your way to small dojo, "Caw! Are you sure you want to train this morning? Caw! You couldn't move your body yesterday! Caw! Maybe you need more rest! Caw!" She yelled loudly, a look of worry evident on her face.

You nodded in confirmation, "No need to worry, I'm going to be fine." That was all you said before opening the door, seeing the tall wooden box standing there.


"Another training with Y/N?!" Mk exclaimed loudly upon hearing what Monkey King told him. The simien crossed his arms and grinned, "Yup! They can teach you their weird breathing technique that can help increase your stamina and endurance. I'm sure it will be useful to you, just think about it." Wukong stated with a smug expression. Mk huffed and crossed his arms, "I know Y/N can help and all, but their training is very very harsh!" He declared, dramatically falling down on his back.

Wukong understood the kid very well, you had always been harsh in training even on yourself. He remembered that day when you were still injured and refused to rest since you prefer training over anything else. Even the great monk didn't know what to do with you that day and decided to let you be. Since that day, Wukong knew that getting stronger was the purpose of your life. He couldn't blame Mk for hating your training style, you weren't as easy as Monkey King who was taking things step by step. You straightforwardly went to fighting without even any warnings.

Wukong sighed and smiled softly, "Look bud, Y/N may seem strict, but they're very kind. You just give them a chance." He assured as Mk sat up to look at his mentor. Mk thought of the cons and pros of training with you and found out that it had more benefits to him, "Alright! Let's do it!" He jumped up, putting his hands on his waist. Monkey King smirked in pride, "That's it, kid! LEGO!" He stated as he grabbed Mk, jumping on his flying cloud to go to your house.

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Monkey King and Mk landed on the roof of your house, getting a perfect look of the front yard of your house. Mk gawked at how big your house was, "Wow! I never thought Y/N has a big house near the forest!" He exclaimed with excitement.

Wukong nodded in agreement, "Yup, Y/N likes to be in isolated places. They prefer quiet villages rather than loud cities." He explained, remembering that you told him that you like quietness a lot since it helps in clearing your mind. Before Mk can add anything, both males heard clashing of swords hitting each other coming from the backyard. Mk got excited and ran toward the sound which startled Wukong, "Kid, wait! You can't just run like that!" He called out as he followed after his successor.

The two of them were met with a very stunning view. From the roof, they saw you fighting a six-armed man that had six swords in each one. Mk's eyes sparkled in awe as he watched you gracefully and swiftly dodge the swords, "Woah! That's so cool!" He exclaimed as excitement was all he felt. Wukong smirk in pride, "That's my kid!" He thought as he crossed his arms, watching your battle. Just then, someone  laughed from beside them.

"Of course this is awesome, that's Y/N Tokito you're talking about! Caw!"

The two looked left to see Ginko standing there. Wukong sighed while Mk freaked out, "Ahhh! A talking crow!" He yelled loudly, about to hit Ginko with his staff. However, Wukong stopped him before he could do anything, "Easy there, kid. That's Y/N's crow, they would kill you if you hurt her." He managed to stop the kid before he would kill her.

"Caw! You want to kill me? Caw! I will never forgive you! Caw!" Ginko screeched before flying and biting Mk's cheek, "Ow ow ow! Stop it!! You're hurt me!" He whined and complained as he tried to get Ginko off him. Eventually Ginko let go of Mk and when they looked down, they saw you looking up at him and Wukong.


You all sat on the patio, Mk had his face covered in plasters because of Ginko. You stared at them with blank look, "What are you two doing here?" You firmly asksd.

Wukong chuckled awkwardly, "Well... I want you to train Mk again and this time with this cool machine." He requested, pointing at your mechanical doll. You hummed in thought, pondering whether to let him use or not. Mk on the other hand was panicking since he had never fought a humanoid machine before let alone one with six arms. He looked at Monkey King with worry, "Monkey King, I don't think this is-..."

"Agreed, he can use it. However, he shouldn't use his staff in training. I don't want this doll to break, it's one of its kind."

"Great! He won't fail you!"

Mk was literally trembling from head to toe, he can't fight such a skilled machine like this. It will slice him to ribbons if he ever failed to dodge the swords. You turned to Mk who flinched when he noticed that your gaze went to him, "Who are you again?" You asked while pointing at him. The boy quickly composed himself and cleared his throat, "It's Mk, Y/N. My name is very easy to remember." He declared, trying to sound tough. You blinked a few times before speaking up, "Whatever, I don't care." You stated bluntly without care to his feelings.

"WHAT?" Mk yelled as Wukong snickered with his hand covering his mouth. You didn't care about him and proceeded to explain his next training, "This training will help increase your stamina as well as your ability to dodge any attack. For the first level, you and Yoriichi Type Zero will fight using wooden weapons. After you master dodging perfectly, I will let the doll use the swords. Understood?" Mk felt slightly relieved that he still won't fight the doll with swords, but it was a big challenge for him. He won't let anything lower his determination and self-confidence, so he nodded in understanding. Wukong smirked with pride, giving Mk a strong pat on his back.

"That's the spirit, kid! Let's get started!"

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