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Chapter Two

❝I'm will forget anyway, so I'm going to be fine.❞

YOU SAT IN THE PARK WITH girl that claimed to know you, but you didn't remember her at all. The girl was very young and had a long dark hair. She sat beside you on a bench while eating cotton candy along with you.

You looked at the little girl who was eating the candy with delight, "Who are you?" You asked with an expressionless face. The girl sighed and looked at you with a pout, "Why do you keep on forgetting me everytime, Y/N? I'm your friend, Bai He!" She whined sadly as her eyes turned into lines. You had saved this girl when a few bull robots first attacked the city when you were taking a walk and since that day she stuck with you. You looked up at the sky in daze, "I don't remember you." You kept on looking at the sky, completely forgetting about Bai He and the cotton candy in your hand.

The girl saw you looking at the sky and lifted her head up, "You sure like cloud-gazing, huh?" Bai He asked as her eyes followed a cloud that was shaped like a cat. You nodded your head, "It clears my mind..." You said and continued to stare at the clouds. Bai He watched for a few minutes until she finished her cotton candy and got bored. She then stood up and pulled your hand, "Come on Y/N, let's go to the arcade!" She exclaimed before dragging you along with her which made you accidentally drop your candy. When you get inside, Bai He immediately went to choose a game to play.

She eventually decided to play a game called Monkey Mech, "Would you like to try it?" She offered since she wanted you to have the first round. You tilted your head while staring at the arcade machine, "I don't understand your weird machinery." You replied and crossed your arms. Bai He shrugged and turned to play, "Okay then, I will play and you watch me win!" She told you with pride before starting the game. You watched very closely as your friend controlled her character to fight the enemies. You found this quite amusing, but not very much. You continued to watch her play different games for a few hours then went to take her prize from the counter.

Suddenly, the doors bursted open and bunch of Bull Clones dashed inside, terrorizing the people inside. Bai He was very scared that she hid behind you, "I have to deal with them, stay back." You said as you pulled out your sword, preparing yourself for the first attack. There was a lot of those bull bots, so you had to use a form that can take them all down at once.

"Mist Breathing: Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze."

You charged at your targets and performed dozens of slashes around them, slicing them all. Once the path was clear, everyone in the arcade ran outside to escape. You turned to Bai He, "Go and hide somewhere safe, it's dangerous out there." You ordered before turning around and leaving the building as well. The sky was dark as more people ran to the opposite direction of you.


You got caught up along the path fighting those bull clones around the city. As you ran, you saw Mk and Mei jump into a pit, "I must increase my heartrate to run faster and catch up to them." You thought as you took a deep breath, increasing your heartrate to speed up your pace. Once you reached there, you immediately jumped down. However, you saw both Mk and Mei hanging by a sword. It was too late to react as you continued to fall down.

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