Chapter 29

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As the den grew lighter, Willowpelt woke up. Sandstorm watched as he rose and stretched, then pushed his way out of the den. He gave a last glance at Silverstream's sleeping form, and followed him.

"It's stopped snowing," he meowed, desperate to break the ghostly silence that enfolded the snowbound camp. HIs voice echoed around the clearing, and Willowpelt nodded.

A rustling noise accompanied the scent of Goldenflower and Dappletail as they emerged from the den. They settled themselves beside Willowpelt to wash. Ready for the dawn patrol, Sandstorm thought. He wondered if he should offer to join them, since he could do with a run through the woods, but part of him wanted to stay behind and keep an eye on Silverstream. Spottedleaf's words still lay heavy in his heart. He couldn't shake off the idea that Silverstream was the warrior he could not trust. Silverstream insisted his relationship with Graystripe didn't change his loyalty to the Clan, but how could it not? He was breaking the warrior code just by seeing her!

Suddenly Goldenflower lifted his head as though he had smelled something. Sandstorm tensed. His ears twitched—he could hear paws crunching through the snow in the distance, moving fast. The breeze carried the scent of Windclan. The pawsteps grew louder. As one, the warriors stiffened—a cat was rushing toward them through the gorse tunnel. Goldenflower arched his back and hissed as Smokefur burst into the clearing.

The Windclan warrior skidded to a halt in front of them, his eyes filled with dread. "Shadowclan and Riverclan!" he gasped. "They're attacking our camp! We're outnumbered and fighting for our lives. Tallstar refuses to be driven off this time. You must help or my Clan will be wiped out!"

Oakstar bounded out of her den. All eyes turned from Smokefur to her. "I heard," she meowed. Without mounting the Highrock, the Thunderclan leader gave the yowl she used to call the Clan together. Smokefur's fear-scent filled the clearing as he watched the cats emerge into the morning light.

As soon as the Clan had gathered, Oakstar began. "There's no time to waste. It's as we feared—Shadowclan and Riverclan have joined together, and now they're attacking the Windclan camp. We must help them." She paused and looked around at the faces staring back at her in dismay. Smokefur stood beside her, listening silently with wide, hopeful eyes.

Sandstorm was appalled. After the rogue cats had been discovered, he'd thought Nightstar could be trusted. Now it seemed the Shadowclan leader had broken the warrior code after all by uniting with Riverclan to drive Windclan from their home yet again.

"But we are in leaf-bare—weak!" protested Patchpelt. "We've taken a risk for Windclan once before. Let them take care of themselves this time." A few murmurs of agreement rose from the elders and queens.

It was Goldenflower who answered him, stepping forward to stand beside Oakstar. "You're right to be cautious, Patchpelt. But if Shadowclan and Riverclan have united, it is only a matter of time before they turn on us. It's better we fight now, with Windclan, than later, alone!"

Oakstar looked at Patchpelt, who closed her eyes and lifted her tail, accepting Goldenflower's words.

Raggedpelt pushed her way forward and spoke quietly to the leader. "I think you should remain behind in camp, Oakstar. The fever from the greencough may have gone, but you'll still be weak." The two cats exchanged a look that Sandstorm understood with a jolt. Oakstar was on her ninth and final life. For the sake of the Clan, she could not afford to risk it in battle.

Oakstar nodded briskly. "Goldenflower, I want you to organize two parties, one to head the attack, one to back it up. We need to get there as fast as we can!"

"Yes, Oakstar." Goldenflower turned to the warriors. "Brindleface, you'll head the second party; I'll head the first. I'll take Darkstripe, Mousefur, Longtail, Ferncloud, and Sandstorm." Sandstorm lifted his head as Goldenflower called his name, feeling a thrill run through him. He was to join the lead party!

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