Chapter 16

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The rain continued through the night and into the next morning. But by sunhigh, the clouds began to clear. A somber air hung over the clearing as the Clan waited for news of their leader.

Sandstorm crept out from the patch of bramble by the boundary wall, where he'd sheltered since dawn. He padded over to Oakstar's den in the side of Highrock. There was no sound from inside. As he turned away, he ran into Willowpelt carrying food to the nursery. He tipped his head questioningly to one side.

Sandstorm knew he was hoping for news of Oakstar. "Nothing to report, I'm afraid." He shrugged.

Sandstorm had given Cinderpaw and Sorrelpaw a day's rest from training. He could see them now, lounging outside their den, looking bored. Sandstorm knew he had let them down, but he wanted to stay in camp while Oakstar was sick. At least Goldenflower wasn't here to criticize his decision. The great deputy had taken out the dawn patrol.

Suddenly the lichen at Oakstar's den twitched and Lionheart burst through. She raced across the clearing to Raggedpelt's den and reappeared within moments with the medicine cat behind her.

Sandstorm bounded over to Oakstar's den just as Lionheart and Raggedpelt pushed through the hanging lichen. He stopped outside and sat down, his heart racing. Lionheart peered out.

"What's wrong?" Sandstorm asked, his voice trembling.

Lionheart closed her eyes. "She has greencough," she told him bleakly. "Stand watch and make sure no one comes inside." She ducked back inside.

Sandstorm sat motionless as shock flooded through him. Greencough! Oakstar really was in danger of losing another life.

A sharp yowl outside the camp made him turn and look toward the gorse tunnel. Fernpaw exploded into the clearing and skidded to a halt beside Sandstorm. "I've come from Goldenflower," he panted. "I have a message for Oakstar."

"She's sick," Sandstorm replied. "You can't go in."

Fernpaw flicked his tail impatiently. "Goldenflower needs to see her at the Thunderpath. It's very urgent."

"What's wrong?"

Fernpaw glared at him. "Goldenflower asked for Oakstar," he sneered. "Not some kittypet pretending to be a warrior!"

Fury shot through Sandstorm and he unsheathed his claws."Oakstar can't leave the camp," he growled. He flattened his ears and moved so that he blocked the entrance to his leader's den.

"Sandstorm is right." Raggedpelt's rough meow sounded behind him. She had come out of Oakstar's den.

Fernpaw looked at the medicine cat, shrinking beneath her amber gaze. "Goldenflower has found evidence of Shadowclan warriors in our territory," he meowed. "They've invaded our hunting grounds!"

In spite of his fear for Oakstar, Sandstorm felt his lip curl in anger. How dare they? After what Thunderclan had done for them!

But Raggedpelt wasn't interested in Fernpaw's report. She turned to Sandstorm, her eyes filled with urgency. "Sandstorm," she meowed. "Tell me, do you know whether there is any catnip in the Twolegplace?"

"Catnip?" Sandstorm echoed.

"I need it for Oakstar," Raggedpelt explained. "It's an herb I haven't used for moons, but I think it will help her." The medicine cat had Sandstorm's full attention now. She continued, "It has soft leaves and an irresistible scent..."

Sandstorm interrupted her. "Yes, I know where to find some!" He had never seen it in the woods, but as a kit he had rolled in a patch in his Twoleg home.

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