chapter 19

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TW: Jackie's past finally comes back to haunt her , abuse,assult,Sexual abuse mentions,Racism,etc.

"Fuck." Jackie whispered softly as Ez trailed kisses down her neck , hand resting
on her stomach.

"Angel's bringing his son maverick over ,  and his girl." Ez said as his hand traced shapes on Jackie's stomach.

"Can't wait to meet them , Letty and hope said they were coming over too." She said as her hand stroked ez's face.

Ez turned his head kissing her hand , then trailing kisses down her neck.

As Jackie's hand trailed down his chest , a knock from the door came , followed by Angel yelling that he was here.

"Lo voy a matar, joder, idiota." Ez muttered as Jackie laughed , The man having to help her up.

(Im gonna fucking kill him , shithead)


Sally barked rushing over to Jackie ,  Lately she's been very over protective , When Illiana takes her on walks she
growls at anyone who came close to her , and Never leaving Jackie's side.

"Look at you , your adorable , you got your looks from your mamá didn't you?" Jackie said to maverick , Her and Luisa hit it off .

"Nah he got the Reyes men looks , look at us." Angel said waving his hand in front of his face.

The two women glanced at eachother with a laugh.

"We have arrived!" Letty said  , hope shaking her head.

Illiana rushed into the room , holding the phone.

"Its Creeper , he says He might be able to get an early release." She said as Ez grabbed the phone , Speaking untill he hung up.

"Creeper will be out by tonight." Ez said.

"How? , I mean not that it's not good , but he was looking
at alot of time." Jackie said as The other women were wondering the same.

"Says some Therapist chick told the warden his behavior was good , and that he should be released , said it was weird , Thinks she had somthing on him , and to keep an eye out." Ez said as tension filled the room.

Angel answered his ringing phone , before nodding towards Ez.

"Yo we got to go to the clubhouse , Gilly said the Sons showed up , had stuff to say." Angel said as Ez nodded.

"You girls gonna be fine while we're gone?" Ez said as his hand rested on Jackie's face.

"We'll be fine , We're a room full of powerful women , now go see what they want." She said kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Lock the doors , answer when I call-" Ez started to say  untill he was cut off.

"Ez I know , we'll be fine." She said , as the two left , with Ez ruffling Illiana's hair as he left , and Angel giving Luisa and Maverick a kiss .


"Oh my god!" Said Illiana as a guy came in through the door pulling out a gun.

"Illiana we've seen this movie twice , how are you still suprised by that." Letty said , laughing as a piece of popcorn hit her face.

Crazy but she's mine || Ezekiel "Ez" ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now