chapter 6

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"Illiana wake up or so help me!" Jackie yelled as the teen ran into the kitchen.

"Im up, im up!" Illiana said with her hands in the air.

Ez came into the kitchen hearing the yelling,Jackie grumbled curses at the man.

"Oh my god,oh my god!" Illiana exclaimed pointing outside,Angel had a pitbull walking besides him.

"Thats sally, I forgot to mention her,you two arn't allergic are you?" Ez asked.

"Nope!" Illiana exclaimed as she went outside kneeling leting Sally sniff her hand.

"Yo bro , I think she likes mini bishop more than you!" Angel exclaimed.

"Vete a la mierda viejo, te dije que no me llamaras así!" Illiana exclaimed in spanish.

(Fuck you old man , I told you not to fucking call me that!)

"no soy jodidamente viejo, maldito mocoso!" Angel said offended.

(im not fucking old  you damn brat)

The teen stuck her tounge out at the man as Jackie laughed from the doorway.

"verdomde kinderen man, ik moet van ze houden." Jackie laughed.

(fucking kids man , gotta love em)

"Dutch?" Ez questioned.

"yep!" Jackie chirped before flipping him off.

"Real mature." Ez laughed.

"Im not a mature person , also im still mad at you,fuck you,but thank you for this." Jackie said waving her hands around.

"My pleasure Camila." Ez said as She pushed him against the wall.

"The only time someone gets to call me that,is if Im fucking em', and im not fucking you am I?" Jackie said in his ear , a playful gleam in her eyes.

"Podríamos cambiar eso querida, podría mostrarte cosas que nadie más podría." Ez said with a smirk.

(we could change that dear, I could show you things no one else could)

"My eyes are burning,from just looking at you too!" Illiana said looking at them.

"Shut it!" Jackie said as Angel grabbed the water hose.

"Angel put the hose down !" Jackie yelled, only for her and Ez to get sprayed.

"Haha!" Illiana laughed untill 
she was also sprayed.

"Oh its on now old man!" The teen yelled lunging at him.


"I think im in love." Illiana said , Her and Jackie decided to the library for the teen to get somewhat of an education.

"Go talk to her , you need human contact besides me and the gang of idiots." Jackie said pushing her towards her.

"Hi." the teen chirped quietly.

"Hi , you wanna sit?" The girl said with a smile.

"I-cool,I mean sure,I would love too." Illiana stammerd out as Jackie gave her thumbs up.

"Im Natalia kline, and you are?" The girl said pretending to ignore the fact that she could clearly see Jackie giving the nervouse teen pointers.

"Illiana Obispo, or Reyes, Im adopted." The girl blurted out quietly.

"Im assuming thats your Mom?" Natalia said pointing
at Jackie who was reading a book called 'how to kill a guy'.

"Yes , and based on the book she's reading, she's currently planning the demise of my sperm donor,my Adoptive dad,and probably my adoptive uncle. Illiana said.

"Crap! I have to go , it was cool meeting you,Here's my Number, call me !" Natalie winked.


"Your stealth game sucks!" Illiana exclaimed.

"Hey if it wasn't for me,you wouldn't have talked to her, therefore a thank you is in order!" Jackie exclaimed with a smirk.

"Thank you." The teen murmered , letting out a scream when she went into the kitchen.

"What!,whats-WHAT THE FUCK!?" Jackie yelled as The guys were in the kitchen , Angel getting a bullet taking out of his ass.

"oh mi maldito dios, estoy marcado de por vida!" Illiana said covering her eyes rushing to her room.

(oh my fucking god , im scarred for life)

"Its not what it looks like." Ez said thinking of an excuse.

"One you scarred the kid for life,great going,Two, I EAT ON THAT COUNTER YOU FUCKING NUMBNUT!!!" Jackie said wacking him with the book.

"OW! Jesus woman , calm down!" Ez exclaimed grabbing the book , scoffing at the title.

He gave her a "really" look as he held up the book.

"Don't judge me, And never tell me to calm down!" Jackie said snatching it back.

"Calm you old lady down Ez." Bishop said.

"Im not his old lady , and your banned from this house!" She yelled as she heard Illiana laugh upstairs.

"Gilly shot me in the ass testing out some new guns!" Angel exclaimed as Hank stitched him up.

"What the fuck dude!" She yelled at Gilly.

"Why are you yelling at me for!?" Gilly yelled.

"Because he's bleeding over my kitchen!" Jackie yelled.

"Our." Ez murmured.

"Mine." Jackie growled.

"Yours." Ez said holding his hands up in surrender.

"Next time , do it at your damn clubhouse! And this place better be spottless when I come back in here!"
Jackie exclaimed.


Sally barked rushing to the teens room.

"My ass hurts." Angel said.

"Shut up man we need to have this kitchen cleaned or we'll be the ones on a table!" Ez exclaimed.


Maddie ziegler as Natalia kline.

Maddie ziegler as Natalia kline

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Crazy but she's mine || Ezekiel "Ez" ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now