chapter 13

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Jackie woke up to Ez's arms around her waist , she felt like puking , she gently moved his arms going to the restroom.

"Fuck." She whispered as she puked her guts out , feeling someone behind her , she wacked whoever it was.

"Ow! querida , its just me , you okay?" Ez asked leaning down , holding her hair back.

"I don't know , I didn't drink at all , Its very rare , It just came out of- oh fuck - oh no - I've got to get somthing ." Jackie said grabbing clothes.

"Camila , Cam- Jackie! , You need to rest if your not feeling good , just tell me what you need." Ez said as she rested her head on shoulder.

"A pregnancy test ." She said as She looked into his eyes , they were dazed and soft.

"You think?" Ez said as her hand traced his beard.

"Will you?" She said as he kissed her forhead , telling her to lay back , while he gets what she needed.


"Hey you feeling better?" He asked noticing her sitting up.

"A bit , did you-" She questioned as he pulled out the box.

"Ez , Angel mentioned your ex Emily , said you might've been a father ." She said to him , turning his head toward her.

"Do you want to be one , a father , I mean your already one to Illiana , but a baby , a new life?" She questioned as his hand trailed her cheek.

"Yeah its true , She did it out of hate , but thats over , I have you and Illiana , And I want nothing more than to add  to the family Querida." He explained kissing her temple.

"Okay I'll just-" Jackie said grabbing the box , heading into the restroom.


The whole box , she took the the whole box and waited.

Ez Came in lowering the toilet lid , pulling her into his lap to stop her from pacing.

"You read it." Jackie said as she gave him the stick.

He held it infront of them , Jackie got up checking the others , all saying the same thing.

"Pregnant , Im fucking Pregnant." Jackie laughed as Ez got up pulling her into his arms.

"You okay?" He asked as tears threatened to sjow in her eyes.

"We're gonna have a baby Ezekiel , a fucking baby , What if I don't do good , what if-" Jackie rambled untill ez kissed her.

"You do a hell of a job with Illiana , your gonna be an Amazing mother , again." Ez said kissing her forhead.

"Damn right I am , and your gonna be a good father." Jackie stated.

"te amo mi amor." Ez said as Jackie kissed him.

"I love you too Ez , now take me to get somthing to eat!" She exclaimed as Ez let out a laugh.



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Crazy but she's mine || Ezekiel "Ez" ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now