Chapter Seventeen

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"Banner, is she waking up," a male voice asks Bruce.

"She's opening her eyes," says another.

This one I can identify as Tony. A hand is against my cheek. I reach for it carefully.

"Cassy," the voice asks.

"Cassy," he brought out.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

I put my hand on his chest and felt the warm blood on my hands. He looked at me with both eyes in love.

"No. No," I whispered and put my head on his chest.

Thor turned his head toward the sky.

"Thor. You're not leaving me alone. Not yet," I sighed between all my tears.

I could barely breathe.

"Even better," Loki began, pointing at me with his scepter.

"You die together with him".

"Thor," I then shouted.

The hand on my cheek twitched briefly. But then settled warmly against it again.


I open my eyes now and can only see everything double and triple, but I recognize Thor's gaze.

"You're here," I then state in a whisper.

Thor nods.

"But I am," I continue, wanting to take his hand from my cheek.

I don't want him to think that I'm in love with him.

When I see sharply again, I realize that Bruce and Tony and Natasha are standing in the room with us.

"She's fine so far," Bruce announces after a few checks and pats.

"Congratulations Thor. You caught her at the right moment," Bruce sarcastically congratulates Thor.

"What," I exclaim, and all the faces in the room, which had previously looked very relieved, turn to me rather shocked.

"You caught me, Thor? You did that?"

Uncertainly, he nods and takes his folded arms hanging down.

"Thank you," is all I manage to get out.

The reason I jumped in the first place caught me just before I hit the ground.

"Do you remember this place," was my question to Thor, two days after my bed rest ended, as we stand on the balcony.

"Of course," he says, leaning on the railing.

"This is where you met Loki," he then finishes, looking out over the sunset over New York.

"And this is where you gave me the necklace," I add shyly.

"Don't mention it," he then says, turning to me.

"Thor me," I begin, but he puts a finger over my mouth.


"You still need to take it easy."

I nod understandably.

"Where's the necklace," he then asks after taking a quick look at my neck.

"I'm so sorry, Thor. I'm so sorry I lost it."

"You have it," Thor puts in, looking down at me.

"Please don't be angry".

"In fact, why didn't you come with me when you thought we needed to see your mother?"

Gefion (Thor ff) ~ english versionWhere stories live. Discover now