Chapter 30 : Love all across the room

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"Oppa, can you come sit please ?" I asked politely

"Guys, look, I know you like each other. That's why I assembled you today. I want you to get to know each other more. I want you to try and give it a chance, and if it didn't work out for you two, you may leave it. But please, try it before" I announced

"I will be gone for some minutes. Please talk, and exchange facts about yourselves. You can for example, talk about what you love, what you like to do, what are your hobbies, who are your favorite people, what are your favorite stuff, which friend are you most comfortable with, etc..." I added then left

I kept listening to them behind the wall, I wanted to know what they were talking about

"Um... look... I started liking you ever since I saw you, because of how pretty you are. And my feelings grew bigger for you when I realized how kind and lovely you are, and how much you love my little sister. I never knew that I would do so, but eventually, I did. Now it doesn't matter how I did or how much it took me to acknowledge my feelings for you, but I need you to know that I will always be by your side, and I will always be there when you need me. Even if you don't like me, it's okay, It would be enough for me if we were only close friends. But I will always love you, even if I will not receive the same feelings back" Jungwon oppa confessed

"And I liked you since last month, when I realized that you are a gentleman, because you were always caring and protective to your sister. I too, didn't know that I would fall for you, but at the end, I did. It didn't take me too long to realize how much I like you, because I instantly fell for your charms. I need you to know that you are indeed receiving the same feelings back. And the same for me, I will always be by your side, you can tell me when you need me, and I'll immediately help you" It was Leeseo's turn to confess

"Wait so it's because of me that they liked each other ?!! Thanks to me, they saw each other's caring side" I whispered

I wanted to scream in joy, but I couldn't because I don't want them to know that I heard their convo

That was just so heartwhelming and cute

I wanted to take a quick glance at them, so I did. I saw them... HUGGING... AWWW THAT'S SO CUUUUTE  

I ran to the kitchen and called Sunghoon

"Honey, you need to know something !" I said excitedly

"Wait. What did you call me ?! Repeat it"

"No time for that. I need to tell you something importantly important"

"Importantly important ?! What ?" He asked

"Leeseo and Jungwon oppa confessed to each other !"

"Wait what ?! Really ? You're kidding me, right ?" He was surprised

"No. Really. I asked Leeseo to come to my home, and announced to both of them that they like each other. They confessed their feelings, and now..."

"Oh my god. Now what ?"

"Now~... they~... are~...HUGGING" I said excitedly

"WOOO !! WHAT !!! OH MY GODDDDD !!!! HAHAAA ! You're a matchmaker" He got too excited and giggled

"I can't, they're so cute !! Too cute, can't handle" I pouted

"Haha... love, you're the one who's too cute to handle" He praised me

"Aww... thanks my love. You're cute too, because... I nearly lost my consciousness when I saw you, that's why I fell for you SOOOO hard" I praised back in a cute way

I heard his giggle, it was so cute. But I didn't want to talk about it, because I remember that time, when he got sad, so I don't want to do the same mistake again

"Babe... are you there ?" He asked

"Yeah yeah, I can still hear you"

"I have something to do. I'll talk to you later" He said

"Yeah, okay, bye"

That thought changed my mood. I want to know why he's like that, but I don't want to ask him

So in order to forget that, I took the cookies and went to the living room

"Here, I made these cookies. Please taste them"

"Thank you" She smiled

"You can taste them too" I looked at my brother

"Thanks" He answered while taking one

In my turn, I chose one and took a bite from it. It was delicious. Turns out I'm good at making cookies

(Btw, I hope u guys like this couple. Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but I just wanted to add some events)

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