Bonus Chapter: Show Me

Start from the beginning

"How long are you going to keep me waiting?"

She did her best to sound seductive, allowing her heat-scent to fill the room, but still, he did not stir. She sat back with another huff, and slid back to his side. Her annoyance was growing now. She turned slightly so that she could tickle his nose with her tail. Surely that would work! Nothing...

"Hey... HEEEEEYYYY! What is with you?? You sleep deeper than a cat!" She grumbled while poking his cheek repeatedly. Still nothing. There was one thing she could try, but it might get her in deep water afterwards... She considered her options, what he might do to her, then shrugged her shoulders, lifted a hand, and struck him across the face.

"WAKE UP!!!"

Still nothing! Yumiko fumed, lowered her mouth to his ear, and screeched.


Outside the cabin, birds took wing away from the banshee-like screech coming from inside. A startled wolf let out a yelp to the dismay of it's pack as the deer they had been stalking took off, but inside the cabin... Silence.

"Oh, for Kami's sake! Mom!! If you can hear me, can I have my mate back now???" She yelled out to the morning sky, hoping it would find its way to the glade, and could have sworn she felt her mother laughing at her dismay.

She sighed, accepting she wouldn't be getting answers any time soon, and crawled from the bed. Her pack laid nearby, filled with everything she had brought for this trip, but closer than that was his shirt. That gorgeous dark wine shirt that had made her mouth water. She glanced back at him, a memory tugging in her mind of the night before.

"You rip this shirt and I'll make you scream..." He had warned her as she gripped onto the fabric, damn near lost to the ecstasy of his teeth on her neck. She gulped again, that tail rising a bit as she grabbed the shirt, throwing it on. It easily covered her thighs, the sleeves nearly to her elbows, and for some reason, wearing the silly fabric made her feel warm inside. She smiled to herself, and with one final look towards the still sleeping male, made her way downstairs.


Shuichi was vaguely aware of the aches all over his body, as well as the sensation of healing. He was also painfully aware of the snarling, near-rabid fox in his mind. Something must have happened while he and Yumiko were in the glade, but whatever it had been, Yoko was in no mood for conversation, so as the morning light warmed his cheek, and the smell of fresh coffee wafted into the bedroom, he felt himself pulled back to the world of the living.

The first thing he noticed, was his utter lack of clothing. Not surprising, considering they had just been in the glade. The next thing, was the bit of fur in his mouth, which he spat out as he sat up. 'What on earth?' He thought as he examined the cream strands of tail-fur. The third thing, was the pillow thrown hastily over his groin. 'Well, that explains the pain...' He thought to himself, imagining the look on Yumi's face when she had thrown it.

Which led to the fourth thing. The absence of his dear, precious fox. He felt a twitch as he looked at the indent of her body in the sheets. He had fully planned on continuing from where they had left off, dragged into the glade far sooner than he would have liked, but the little fox was no where to be seen. He had a good idea of where to find her though, and slipped out of the bed as silently as he could.

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